Fleisch unverträglichkeit, wie kann man das testen?
Wie kann ich testen ob ich eine unverträglichkeit auf irgendeine bestimmte Fleischsorte habe?
Ich habe zwar schon eine Vorahnung, bin mir aber nicht ganz sicher, da es manchmal nicht ganz zutrifft.
Danke schonmal.
Go to the Allergologist and get a blood test. There is also the possibility of making a so-called prick test.
One General You would have recognized meat incompatibility, because they’ve been in the world for a few years.
Being against certain Amino acids allergicly ruled can establish an allergologist, since you do not have to guess.
There is also the possibility that you reagier against certain other ingredients (if in meat). So do not grump – go to the doctor
Can make a test…
FOOD REACTION TEST – Food Incompatibility Test – LYKON
Test and write with a small portion, after which food you felt bad.
That’s it, I tried something like that. On one day it’s bad when I eat minced meat, but on another day I can eat it without problems as burgers or other.
Perhaps the minced meat samples had a distinctly different storage – and processing history and goods therefore different consuming .AsTrost & Scherz said: at kosher & halal – food this would not have happened.
Is there a spice that you only use in some dishes or a certain kind of preparation where the reaction occurs more often?