Fledermäuse in der Garage,wie wird man sie los?
Ich habe seit einem Monat das Problem,dass sich irgendwo in meiner Garage Fledermäuse eingenistet haben.Die Garage hat ein elektrische Rolltor was von aussen leider nicht dicht zu bekommen ist (obere Kante). Da die Garage schon älter ist,sind in den Ecken einige Risse wo sie wahrscheinlich nisten. Ich würde sie ja tolerieren,aber da die Autos vollgekotet und vollgepinkelt werden,ist dieses sehr ekelhaft und der nutzen der Garage macht dadurch nicht wirklich viel Sinn. Bringen Ultraschallgeräte oder Geräte die hohe Töne erzeugen etwas?
Open up, clean, clean some cracks.
Tense wire from the outside over the upper edge of the garage.
Hasenwire…super idea.The cracks are still sprinkled, which I had already thought. But so far no solution has been found to get the upper edge tight. Thank you.
Please contact the NABU first. It’s not the purpose of the bats. The NABU knows how the life cycles run, possibly even feather-friendly defense alternatives are funded. People there understand that you want to use your garage as intended and will be helpful.
But only after the bats are gone!
Of course, they wrote an e-mail.However, in the next few weeks, a car goes to winter sleep at the end of October. Nothing happened until then, I’m gonna laugh at everything.
All tips are good, but best with the NABU. Call there and ask if someone can help you relocate them. That’s what’s going on and they’ll help you. It doesn’t cost anything.
Greeting S.
since all D types of bats are on the Red List
and thus under the strictest nature protection, this means that they are
must neither kill, nor hurt or expel.
You need to contact the NABU, send a bat expert to take this problem off.
Good success
I’ve read that,thanks.They have to be driven,but they have to be relocated,because they’re already animal friends,but that’s really annoying.
And that’s exactly what NaBu’s professionals are… who help
The mini-small husks of the Central European bats fall only at the edge!?
Have your cars already been contaminated by bats?
Yes they are, otherwise I would tolerate it.The cars are full-cooked every day on the new, wash no sense and the cars are actually not going to the garage anymore.
In this case, I would actually contact the NABU.
I’ll add, thanks.
to the need you can relocate bats. Ask at the NABU, they can call you a bat expert from your region.
I’ll turn to it.Thank you.
Bats are strictly flattered and can only be relocated by professionals. Please contact the lower conservation authority in your municipality and/or the Nabu, who have the professionals and are also authorized to deal with the animals.