Flecken in Jeans raus bekommen?
Ich habe in meiner grauen Jeans 2 braune Flecken, wobei ich nicht weiß wie sie dort reingekommen sind oder wovon sie sind. Jedoch sind die durch einen normalen Waschgang in der Waschmaschine nicht raus gegangen.
meine Mutter meinte ich soll das Sil 1 für alles fleckenspray benutzen.
jedoch habe ich Angst dass dort bleichflecken entstehen.
Was haltet ihr davon, habt ihr Erfahrungen mit dem Spray
So I always use the pink Vanish flash spray and have actually made very good experiences. From Sil I only know the associated stain salt that also works well, but is more bleaching than the spray I mentioned here.
In jeans, there is always a residual risk that punctual bleaching occurs in punctual stain treatment, since the color is not so durable – therefore the typical appearance of a jeans and the increasing bleaching with each wash also stems.
But with brown spots, you can’t wear the pants further – I guess at least – so I would try it out. A slightly milder alternative would be gall soap – apply to the wet fabric, rub and knead the fabric a little and throw it back into the normal laundry.
I always give “Vanish” on it and then into the washing machine.