Flashbacks oder Panikattacke?

Hey ich habe vor 2 1/2 Monaten eine psychose wegen Drogen gehabt nach. Vor 2 Wochen hatte ich so eine art Panikattacke die genau so aussah wie der Drogenrausch, Alles wurde größer als sonst und es fühlte sich an als wäre ich in einem Video Spiel. Das hatte ich dann gestern auch nochmal obwohl das schon 2 2/1 Monate her war.

Meine Frage ist jetzt können das noch Nachwirkungen von dem HHC sein oder ist es eine Panikattacke weil ich Angst davor hatte es wieder zu bekommen.

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8 months ago

Flashbacks are usually part of a PTBS, with the person experiencing their mercimatic experience repeatedly. For example, someone can have a heavy car accident, and since a PTBS usually occurs delayed, it can get their symptoms after 6 months. She says she has a trigger and relives the car accident, she could have the pain again or could hear the sirens of the fire brigade, etc.

It could also be quite repercussions if you said you had the HHC a psychotic push. Did you talk to a doctor and he told you that was a psychosis?

That is why I usually advise from the HHC as HHC naturally occurs in the cannabis plant, but so little of it is synthetically mastered. I’ve heard a lot of humps from HHC. And because of psychotic thrust, this can go even longer.

This can lead to a loss of reality even longer after drug use, I have heard more often. If the environment is taken differently, only the question is what it was. You also say it felt like in a video game, which could be a derealization (but it is a diagnosis should be that only a therapist can really say) but this feeling can also occur after a longer time after an overdose.

This can only tell you a doctor

8 months ago

Can’t you know it’s unlikely that it’s a drug rush but that your body wants more