Flasche schütteln damit das Wasser gesünder wird?
Würde das theoretisch gehen?
Kohlensäure verändert den PH Wert des Wasser und macht das Wasser “sauer.”
Außerdem kommt es so in der Natur auch nicht vor.
Der Natürliche Kohlensäuregehalt bei Wasser beträgt bis zu 10 mg. Im handelsüblichen Kohlensäurewasser wird bi zu 8 g eingetragen…. ob das gesund ist mag jeder selbst beurteilen. Tatsache ist, dass die Kohlensäure als Konservierungsmittel für Mineralwasser verwendet wird – Co2 verdrängt 02.
ohne Kohlensäure ist gesünder….
Und wenn ich die Kohlensäure durch schütteln entferne?
Hat das Auswirkungen?
Thanks. is the ChatGPT in so nem simple club.?
No, that’s a teaching app
No this is the text section that comes when asking Google, the report is from Pro Seven, which I wanted to send you first, but I thought Sprektrum is more serious
is this also available for Android? Because there’s I phone store…
ah ok thank you
That’s a bad argument. Many things we consume do not happen in nature. Of course, not automatically means “healthy”. Nature doesn’t care about your health. We don’t treat some food without reason. After logic, healthier things would be raw to eat. I don’t like my fried chicken in nature, just as little as boiled potatoes. Nevertheless, both things are definitely healthier after they have been treated somehow.
Carbonic acid does not change the pH as drastically as it becomes a problem. Many citrus fruits are also extremely sour and yet healthy for us. Of course you can take too much acid, but there are definitely more acidic foods (some fragility, yogurt etc.)
Conservation is rather a nice side effect and therefore not even so bad. Many brands that sell still water have high germ loads in product tests. So, if you buy water in bottles, you better take mineral water with carbonic acid, which often cut off better.
The main reason for adding carbonic acid is however simply the taste or texture. Durability in water is usually rather a side-smile.
Above you write “may everyone judge themselves” then write something that sounds like a fact that you don’t mind. There are no evidence that water with carbonic acid is bad for one. Unless you have any problems like e.g. Sodburnen or the like
Then you have no more carbonic acid in your drink and it tastes a little fad.
Okay, thanks for the insight!
You can also first drink the water and then hop on and off.
I don’t like the sprout, so I just drink still water.
Hahaha, thank you:)
In microplastics, carbonic acid is your least problem.
Thank you.
It has long been proven that carbonic acid is not unhealthy
… thanks
Carbonic acid does not make water unhealthy. And if you shake it out, then it tastes lazy and rags less, that’s all. Your stomach acid is laughing at this carbonic acid.
…that carbonic acid is used as a preservative for mineral water – Co2 is displaced 02.
– Is that wrong?
No. I think that’s absolute bullshit.
How about you have a drink with Kraneberger? Lead water is the best controlled food in Germany.
And by the way… Carbonic acid is not toxic. Bullshit.
but now theoretically…
Theoretically, it’s not like that.
Sprudelwasser has no negative influence on health (cf. Cuoma et al., 2009 [DOME), Fujii et al., 2022DOME]), that should also be quite logical considering that there is acid in your stomach.
The only harmful effect that can occur due to carbonic acid is the damage to the enamel – but this happens to you in any acid, for example even if you eat fruit.
Thank you