Flammenschutzbleche unter Plancha?
Bisher hatte ich unter meiner Plancha immer noch die serienmäßigen Flammenschutzbleche im Gasgrill montiert. Heute hatte ich den Gedanken, dass es doch eigentlich unter der Plancha gar keine solchen Bleche Braucht.
Kann man sie einfach herausnehmen oder bringt man irgendwie die Wärmezirkulation durcheinander?
The flameproofing sheets or also aroma sheets are used for uniform heat distribution.
Thank you, but that was so clear to me that this is necessary under the grill. The Plancha is very massive and distributes the heat quite well.
Actually, I’m looking for people who have already tried this in practice. It could be that the missing baffles under the plancha also influence the heat distribution in the adjacent area. Do you have your own experiences?
Under the grill grate, the flameproofing sheets fulfill two functions. Protecting the flame from driping fat and distributing the heat evenly.
Even in a Plancha, the heat must be distributed evenly. It will also work without these sheets, but then Plancha will only be heated directly via the gas burners. At least tensions in the material can occur and the plancha can have different temperatures for the different places.
High-quality grills often even have an elaborately constructed flame retardant sheet, so that the temperature on the entire barbecue area actually has as uniform a temperature as possible.
To test this, simply remove the flame sheets and test it in your constellation.