„Flache Erde“-Anhänger?
Gibt es hier welche, die dieser Theorie anhängen und falls ja, was sind dafür die Beweise?
Gibt es hier welche, die dieser Theorie anhängen und falls ja, was sind dafür die Beweise?
Ist z.B das Hubble Weltraum Teleskop ein Satellit? Ein Satellit verlässt in der Regel ja nie die Erdatmosphäre.
Was meint ihr? Könnte es Leben auf einem Anderen Planeten geben?
Oder ist der Raum, in dem die Materie ist, selbst entstanden?
Kann ich die Venus mit einem Dobson Teleskop ohne Filter bei Sonnenuntergang beobachten?
Schönen Mittag zusammen🙂 Im Moment liest man überall etwas vom Komet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) da er der hellste Komet der letzten Jahre ist. Ich hatte nur die letzten Tage sehr viel Pech und es ist durchgehend bewölkt gewesen. Heute Abend zwischen 19 und 21 Uhr, soll wohl klarer Himmel sein, weshalb ich es gerne probieren…
There is no evidence of this theory. It is demonstrably wrong and each “professional” can actually be refuted by elementary physics or logic.
Of course she’s wrong. But at least there are several tens of thousands in Germany who believe that… 🤔
Of course the moon landing is real. But after all, there are several tens of thousands in Germany who believe that the moon landing is fake and these people do not want to show any evidence to others that the moon landing is fake!
“who believe it,” you found the core “believe.”
According to Lexikon:
Gaube is: emotional, not evidence, facts, etc.
Ergo: unscientific and not “professional” because without facts.
Yeah. You think, but you don’t know.
Faith is unscientific. To believe there was the Big Bang is unscientific. Knowing it through evidence and it u believe is scientific.
Wisnewski is so far only known to me as someone who says Cern would cause earthquakes through neutrino beams. We can exclude it as before. There’s nothing on the other side except his book. No independently certified expertise, etc. Except a few LinkedIn pages he created himself. There’s not even evidence he’s studied at all.
Andreas Märki
Gerhard Wisnewski:
How many links do you want? There are many.
I refer to two books on this subject. One is from Märki the other from Wisnewski. Märki is a space specialist and Wisnewski is a journalist, author and filmmaker. worked for the WDR.
Don’t ask him for links, he’ll send you any telegram pages or ghosts
Show me the link you got from, or I don’t believe you
Yeah, sure.
I can. Again: NO TIME
You see how much you woke up. I don’t need you to keep going. I wanted to give you a chance to respond to counter-arguments, you obviously can’t, otherwise you would have done it in the crack. Soon you will tell us that the Americans have caused 9/11 with intention and Chemtrails make us all sick. Then it’s just a small step towards statements like “Merkel drinks children’s blood!” When you start with such a garbage, you get sick after a conspiracy behind every corner. See the pack that has joined Covid. I hope you’ll wake up. I know a lot of people, including a good friend of mine, but also people in the public who slipped into something like that and were happy when they came out. In the end, the truth always prevails. I also assume that you haven’t studied, or that at school you wrote a reasonable work. Usually one is taught in this course of dealing with information, also online, and you get to distinguish Fake from reality.
As far as the lunar landing is concerned, I have my mind for a year Powered. That’s what it is, I slept before.
To your arguments, which have to be refreshed almost every month by the media, are by no means touched. If I had pleasure and time, I would go into detail on each one. But I don’t do because I don’t have the time for it. I’m sorry.
And and you really think the technique was so far to simulate real 3D recordings? Why would the Soviet Union accept a fake moon landing? In the cold war, they wouldn’t have let it sit down, it wouldn’t have been real. Think about your points and do not trust blindly any telegrams, but your own common sense.
These recordings were made in some studio.
In 1969, the technical requirements were far from as good as the technical requirements today. And even today, there were extreme difficulties in landing a rocket vertically. (Space Ex). Why? But this is only one of 1000 other reasons, as I have already described in detail.
I’ll ask you again. Why are there photos of a moon landing from 1969?
I have already mentioned this. Read it.
And then what about the images of the moon landing? So stupid.
I’d really miss the time. How should I hold months of research here in a short comment?
and hundreds more reasons.
Then say
No time
Then call a few of them.
1000 Reasons
And what are the reasons?
I doubt. For various reasons
Cool Spruch thank you!
But: Isn’t conviction even the increase of faith?
I would like to say: Through the evidence I suspect the correctness
Yes, I understand your opinion and I agree.
It is the general use of the language or the use of the word “believe” which is misleading. Maybe instead of I think one should say to a theory/hypothesis: “I am convinced of the theory that it is so far right.”
I think, however, that there is a fundamental difference between the belief in unexploredness and the belief in refutedness.
Faith is unscientific by definition, it is apparently used differently in your examples. Faith also in physical hypotheses is only a sense of conviction, or blind trust that the established theories of the hypothesis prove to be correct when the “truth” turns out! So in the scientific sense it is completed – then it is scientifically proven and no more faith (need)! To this end, however, all the facts, measurements and other circumstances must be conclusively interlocked, that is to say without contradiction, and all other theories must have been degenerated. In physics a very difficult way.
Note: Not every belief is directly unscientific: Faith in the Big Bang, Faith in the Multiversum, etc.
It is belief that there is no evidence, but researchable and there are indications that there is no for the flat earth.
We Muslims believe that the earth is round, so the scholars have explained it.
This means that all of it (the earth) is connected together, whereby the shape of the whole planet is spherical. However, Allah has spread the surface for us, and fixed mountains placed on it, He placed animals and the seas as a grace for us. For this reason Allah said:
“… and to the earth as it has been flattened”
Therefore, it (the earth) was made flat for us in terms of its surface, so that people can live on it and stay comfortably. The fact that it is spherical does not prevent its surface from being paved. This is due to the fact that if something round and very large is paved, its surface appears flat.
The celestial bodies are round (istidaratul-aflak), as it was established by the astronomers and mathematicians (Ahl al-Hay’ah wa al-Hisab), and also the testimony of the scholars, such as Abul-Hasan ibn al-Manadi, Abu Muhammad ibn Hazm, Abul-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi and others who have stated that the Muslims are all.
Truly, Allah says:
“And He is who created the night and the day, the sun and the moon; everything runs in a (each own) orbit {Falaka فل} } .” (Surah Al-Anbiya 21:33)
Ibn Abbas (radiAllahu anhu) said, “A falaka is like the (turn) of a spider wheel.” The (word) Falak (in the Arabic language) means that is circular. This is according to the statement (the Arab).”
Also in his Majmu’ (band 5, page 150) ibn Taymiyyah clearly states that the earth is spherical.
In Quraan it is not explicitly mentioned that the Earth is round. Nevertheless, among scholars there is a consensus that the Earth is round.
The fact that the earth is round is derived, for example, from the following verses:
“The earth then expanded” or “The earth made ER as an egg or as a ball”. (Quran 79:30)
You obviously only believe what DU (as I) thinks to be proven and the ICH also means – wrongly – everything would seem around you. Irrtum!
Evidence is only an expression of the inherent limitation of the human mind. I suggest you think about what is really important in life.
There is no “flat earth theory”, at most such a hypothesis. Evidence or evidence for a flat earth could not yet present the followers of this hypothesis. The argumentation essentially runs on “The Earth cannot be a sphere because [here misunderstood physical/mathematical… use knowledge]” or “But you see…”.
There was a user who believed in it. Alerdings was blocked
But certainly not because he believed in the flat earth
There were some. But they died because they Darwin Award have received.
Are you a Genesis fan? This is the logo of the “Charisma label”…
Me too.
This is mainly John Tenniel, who has contributed the drawings for Alice in Wonderland/Alice Through the Looking Glass from 1865.
No, but because of censorship XD
Who censored?
This has never happened to YT Flo+ or SciManDan.
If you should be Björn Weber, half the GF community has helped to close your account.
Art 5 GG: A censorship does not take place. Good question and youtube have house law.
The state, the private, all. Youtube, GutFrage, other social media.
On youtube, channels were deleted without comment or locked for flat earth content. On a good question, an account has been blocked by me and two posts with more than 500 calls to the flat earth have been deleted. But clearly, if you don’t pay attention, you never see the content and you don’t see any censorship. You can’t hear someone you’re banging your mouth. Clear
I am not a flat earth pendant, but I find a proof of a ball there is just as little. I don’t care, I don’t even care what’s going on at night, so I don’t care whether the earth is flat, a ball or whether we live in the eye of a blue-eyed giant.
Do you live in the Stone Age? Where is there no evidence for a round of bullet? There is enough scientific evidence that the Earth is round. Even Aristotle knew it, and the people before it certainly did.
and how do I know these scientific evidence is real because you say it? because I read it somewhere because I see pictures that can also be fake?
Yes some may be fake, like images of the Earth, but with mathematical evidence may not be fake.
prove can also be fake. I’m still standing for that.
I just bumped into your comment here, wanted to say that I think something else than you said(It wasn’t directly about the shape of the earth, but that you mean evidence can be fake…)
I don’t believe anything.
I’ve just been looking for Flat Earth at Good, because so many people still believe and I wanted to enlighten. I didn’t pay attention to how long your comment has been.
thema is forever since, why do you have to take this up?
The evidence is pure logic and mathematics. Nothing can be fake.
if it wasn’t, why did you even mention it with my name before?
If you understand that this was a submission to you. 🤷
You say that
it’s not about it. you say here “the moon landing was fake, the world is governed by reptiles and the earth is flat” and link me with it because you indirectly support me that I would say that, which is not true.