FKK auf freiwilligen Basis im Schwimmbad?
Wie würdet ihr es finden, wenn man in jedem Schwimmbad nackt baden darf, aber dieses nicht muss.
Wie würdet ihr es finden, wenn man in jedem Schwimmbad nackt baden darf, aber dieses nicht muss.
Würde mich interessieren wieso. LG
Hallo alle zusammen. Ich (16y) muss für eine Klassenfahrt ein Schwimmabzeichen machen und zwar Bronze… Wir gehen zu irgend nem See aber das ist jetzt nicht wichtig. Meine ausführlichen Fragen sind: WO soll ich hin (also bessere Frage: Wird dieses Abzeichen in jedem Schwimmbad gemacht?) WAS soll ich bei dieser Prüfung anziehen (also geht auch…
Hi:) an die Frauen: mich interessiert was ihr gern für Bikinis bzw. Badeanzüge tragt und zu je welchem Anlass (Sport, Sonnenbad, whatever). Und was sollte nach eurem Geschmack ein Kerl tragen?
Ich trans gehe gerne schwimmen und nun habe ich das Bedürfnis auch mal als frau schon zu gehen kann mir irgendjemand Tips geben wie ich das machen kann wo ich z.b. bikini oder Badeanzug bekomme für transgender vielen dank im voraus
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Would be a good compromise for me.
So I have no objection to mixed bathing sites, on the contrary. Finally, there are spas where this is practiced. It should not be in any swimming pool from respect to others. When showering and changing, nudity should always be allowed in every swimming pool.
For me, it would be like a waiver if I were no longer forced to wear such a silly swimwear! On the other hand, however, I would probably be the only nude under hundreds of dresses not to feel very comfortable! However, if it were to hold the scale, I would find it okay 😉!
The question is incorrect, because it will not come so far that you should bathe naked in every swimming pool. It didn’t happen before when everything was not as bad as today.
It could be more like there are individual swimming pools where this is allowed and then only at certain times.
There are also many lakes that have a beach section where bathing is allowed. There the parents can make for example nudist while their publishing kids bathe in bathing clothes. There no one can complain about unfamiliar appearance towards children, because the parents who can see problems in it go to the textile beach with their kids. The same would apply to the swimming pools, so there will not be a purely mixed one.
I think I’d bathe naked. Everyone should be able to swim as he wants
I would appreciate swimming in the swimming pool or at the lake
I would not go any more
I don’t want anyone to see the penis or the bare breasts.
If you want to make a nudist, please go to only a nudist area.
I have to say to myself personally that I care more about my body when I know that I will soon be naked under nudes. Then the abdomen is slightly abtrained, the shoulder muscles are somewhat built up, the skin is slightly pre-tanned …
So I’m also clear friend of the nude bath, yet I’m on my tongue to ask:
That’s the swimsuits in the way?
If I know I’m gonna show myself naked, I’ll give myself a little more effort to look “lecker”.
Naked man… Of course
I always prefer nudist if this is allowed or is usual.
Everyone like him.
it’s just disgusting there are kids wives etc etc in focus if it’s wild waer I wouldn’t go any more……
if it weren’t wild and it would make someone I’d kindly point out if he didn’t take it without fun I’d make him a bang me rest and another bang….. we’re in the animal park or what….
dear naked then