Banach's fixed point theorem?
Hello everyone, I'd like to understand Banach's fixed point theorem. However, I'm stuck, or rather, I'm missing a starting point for understanding it.
Can someone explain this at high school level or point to a source?
Hello everyone, I'd like to understand Banach's fixed point theorem. However, I'm stuck, or rather, I'm missing a starting point for understanding it.
Can someone explain this at high school level or point to a source?
Evening, Do I also have to do the substitution for the extreme points, i.e. for x^2= u?
Hello, I don't understand this task A rectangular swimming pool (height = 2 meters) is filled with water. 200 dm^3 of water flows into the pool per minute. How long does it take to fill the pool if it is to be filled to a height of 20 cm from the edge and if it…
I just don't understand how you're supposed to do number 4 without a calculator. There's an example box to the right, but I don't know how you get log2(3) = 1.6 without a calculator. Do you have any ideas?
Hi, I have this formula, and the transformation below…. But I did something wrong, because I get 5+81r^2=R², but it should be 5+81r^2+36r=R^2… How exactly do I do this
Do I need a total capital of 14000 or what does it look like
Auf Abi Niveau kannst du das nicht erklären, weil es Uni Stoff ist.
du musst dafür wissen as Metriken sind, was Folgen sind, Cauchy folgen, Banachräume, wie man mathematische Sätze überhaupt siehst…