Fixierte Gebärmutter und Schwangerschaft?

Hallo ihr Lieben,

ich komme gleich mal zum Punkt. Und zwar habe ich seit Wochen einen Unterbauch bekommen. Ich treibe jedoch viel Sport etc. Ich nehme auch die Pille und da ich Angst vor einer Schwangerschaft hatte, war ich bereits vor zwei Monaten und letzte Woche beim FA. Dort wurde zwar nichts gesehen, nur das ich wohl eine fixierte Gebärmutter habe (7 cm lang).

Ich muss dazu sagen, dass ich, wenn denn, bereits schon in der 21 SSW plus wäre, da dazwischen kein GV bestand.

Allerdings macht mich der Unterbauch ganz verrückt, deswegen frage ich mich, ob es sein kann, dass ein Frauenarzt vaginal vielleicht durch die fixierte Gebärmutter keine Schwangerschaft gesehen hat?

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2 years ago

, already in the 21 SSW plus, since there was no GV in between.

In the 21st week the child has the size of a papaya. A doctor who overlooks this can only be blind.

And your doctor even measured your womb and found 7cm in length. This is a normal uterus size in the non-pregnant state.

Look at a sleepy balloon and a papaya. And then please answer yourself the question whether you could hide the Papaya in the balloon.

2 years ago
Reply to  marlene690399

A second womb is very, very, very rare.

But anyway, if a papaya were stuck in it, the doctor would have noticed.

In fact, a second uterus is also diagnosed via an ultrasound.

And yes, if an intact pregnancy was present, HCG would be found in the blood and urine. It’s only right if the pregnancy was half past.

2 years ago
Reply to  marlene690399

A second womb would have noticed the doctor.

The substructure can also have other reasons, Blähbauch e.g. Or you just imagine it.

2 years ago

However, […] makes me crazy

That’s the point you should worry about.

You should learn to relax and have more confidence.

P.S.: Of course you are NOT pregnant.

2 years ago

No, it can’t be that in a vaginal ultrasound a so far advanced pregnancy is overlooked. At the stage, you can recognize pregnancy by scanning.

2 years ago

This is a reference to food intolerance, usually lactose intolerance. Is it possible?

I think pregnancy is excluded. A female doctor must be mordsically incopent to not see such a giant fetus at a sono.

2 years ago
Reply to  marlene690399

A vaginal US is absolutely safe. He would have seen 100% a fetus that has developed so far. Usually the fruit batches are seen very reliable from week 6 .

2 years ago

No, she can’t overlook that. BIST NOT SHOPPING

2 years ago

In the 21st week you can see everything – on every way…