Fisch ähnlich wie Fleisch?
Man hört ja oft, dass man nicht so viel Fleisch essen sollte.
Ich reduziere nun auch meinen Fleischkonsum. Normalerweise habe ich oft ein Brötchen oder Toast mit irgendeiner Wurstscheibe gegessen, dass ersetze ich wenn dann durch irgendwas anderes oder halt durch Fisch (bspw Räucherlachs)
Und auch generell ersetze ich Fleisch derzeit häufiger durch Fisch.
Von Fleisch höre ich nie was, dass man das nicht oft essen soll. Kann man also theoretisch Fisch ganz viel essen oder ist das dann auch nicht mehr gut für den Körper?
In marine fish are heavy metals and microplastics. Aside from this, the excessive fishing will erode whole populations, and almost everywhere the sea is overfished. That’s a lot of crap.
In aquaculture, fish are kept in mass and survive only because they are pumped in with antibiotics and other medicines. So this is neither good for you, for the Viechers or for the environment.
The only thing that would actually be acceptable to fish is a fish from a regional freshwater that was taken individually. It is probably not contaminated, and you do not kill a whole ecosystem by catching it and eating it.
By the way, salmon is pretty much the worst thing you can do to you and the ecosystem.
Okay, good to know. Then I’ll probably pay more attention in the future
Why don’t you just get some vegetarian sausage slices if you want something on the bread? Mortadella and Salami now taste exactly the same meat-free, and there are them really in every supermarket.
But you hear:
Authority warns: Too much fish harms health – 20 minutes
Fish in itself is healthier than “normal” meat. But unfortunately, heavy metals and microplastics gather in fish. So too much of it is not so stupid