Fingerhaltung Klavier?
Hey Leute. Ich (spiele kein Instrument) soll in einem Schulprojekt mir ein einfaches Kinderlied aneignen und dies dann vorspielen. Ich habe mich für Hänschen klein entschieden. Ich wollte euch fragen, ob meine Fingerstellung bei meiner zweiten Hand korrekt ist.
Somehow I find your posture pretty stiff, but good, if you have nothing to do with it before can happen so quickly, I can learn from the guitar also no different. Maybe try to make some finger exercises beforehand so that your hands are looser.
What are these wide buttons? Piano keys look much slimmer.
Since you only need to reach g and c, the fingers are right.
Is on the tablet 😅
You should keep the wrist higher and bring your thumb to the keyboard. The other fingers can also slide quietly between the black buttons.
Greeting Friedemann
So if you have to play the chords, you have to grab the C GCE, for example.
(actually… I learned it that way. I would even prefer to grab in order CEG because this is a nice 3 sound)
Could be difficult if you want to play sounds under the g’. Maybe the thumb of the left hand gets better, or you’ll take the right hand.