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No, on the contrary.
I believe it is the greatest challenge for a person who is there.
This decision is usually preceded by a very long inner struggle until the desire to live is finally lost against the desire for death.
But it is not done with this alone, because the hardest is still ahead. It is also necessary to get through in the moment selected for this, to put it into effect.
That’s why I don’t find it cowardly, but even very brave. Only for other people it may seem cowardly.
People who commit suicide are totally desperate, they don’t see any other way of living, they don’t think of the survivors who are no longer happy with their lives.
Feige is the wrong word, but they kill the soul of the people they love, for they have no more beautiful life.
They often want to punish their fellow human beings with the suicide.
Probably, at the moment of despair, all rational thoughts prevail, and death longing prevails. Very bad when people walk this way for all the family.
No, on the contrary. Planning a self-destruction and consistently/successfully performing requires a lot of courage and determination.
“Feige” is, even if this term is not quite true here, if one feeds, for example, 20 valium, etc and then the 112 waehlt.
I don’t think because no one except the person knows what torment is that you dare this step at all.
lg up
No, it needs a lot of overcoming. Even if you do it uncontrollably, it is not cowardly because you simply had no control at the moment and could not think about it.
Suicide is a way out which is not taken out of cowardice, but is made out of a lot of pain in life, which one can no longer stand out.
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what thiss inside while still alive. – Tupac Shakur
My life is only torment, every day is very painful, but I am too cowardly for it.
On the contrary: courageous.
Is even brave to take the step
No. More courageous
Yeah, that’s my definition.