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Hallo, Frage im Titel! Danke
Both countries are equally beautiful – they are just different. Landscape, linguistic and also people are different.
Austria is not only Vienna. But I like Vienna very well.
Austria is not only Vienna.
Both countries have their good and bad sides – so it is bad to say that this is one better or worse than the other.
But if I really had to, Austria gets another point on it.
I O who is currently living in D have also discovered beautiful places, idyllic etc. But also Ö is beautiful, it lies in the eye of the viewer, but find the lake in D fantastic.
Both leaves have beautiful areas.
What a question?
I find both countries very beautiful!
But Austria does not only consist of Vienna, even though many Vienna believe that. Between Lake Neusiedler and Lake Constance there is so much nice and interesting to discover!
Greetings from the Rhineland!
I’ve never been to Austria, so