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There are great differences in olives. The cheap ones from the supermarket know most – and they don’t like it. Neither do I. Greek Kalamata olives but taste super delicious. However, they are neither vain nor pussy.
As a child, I didn’t like her. Now, as an adult, I love her. I believe this is one of the tastes that only develop/change in the course of life.
As a child you prefer sweet stuff, as an adult you will discover the charm of these more complex tastes. Is quite similar to Capers and jazz!! 🙂
I find olives are part of every breakfast, they not only taste delicious and not only look great on the breakfast table, but they are also very healthy. They contain important unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids.
The black O. but only if they are not colored, so fake.
I like to eat olives, especially the green ones I like, filled with paprika, garlic or cheese, which comes really good;-D. I like the black ones on the pizza or in the salad. The cheap supermarkets are good and are perfect, only remember the at least ;-).
Yes, absolutely. I only buy olives with super quality. Are super healthy.
They are part of the health-related diets.
Yes, I could eat all the time
But only green olives or original blacks. Black olives only get the coloured ones in the German supermarket. They taste funny and the inlay smells kind of spoiled and stalked in the refrigerator….We have already disposed of some black olives because the brew smelled so funny…
“He who likes olives, OLIIIIVEN”
I’m right
I don’t like olives.
I love these things and I am not picky with them either.
I like olives 🫒
Don’t taste me, but are healthy.
I love ripe, black olives.
I can eat it without anything.
I bought some yesterday or not.
The aldi has tasty black olives, from Turkey and I have no idea where the good things have fallen.
Not as much as black olives.
I eat them too, they are delicious but I then eat them for a bread time.
I eat black olives as a delicious snack. Without everything, I’ll taste it right.
Black olives are really delicious. Do you like green olives? 🙂
Not my thing, once tried and never again.
I like them, both in green and in black.
two to three in a Greek salad I find quite good
Very delicious, both black and green. I like eating.
… I don’t like
Taste me, but not always.
Hi, Tobias986.
I like olives very much, but eat them in a short way, only in winter.
Greetings, Renate.
I’ve never liked, I don’t need
Even if olives are so healthy, I still don’t like them.
Actually, I don’t like olives, but if they’re in thin slices on a pizza, that’s OK.
I don’t even like olive oil very much.
Many say lettuce make it with olive oil. Or take a roast. I prefer sunflower oil (salat) To roast butterschmalz
No, I don’t like
It’s about consistency. I hate it!
Not all taste me, but in general I like her.
I couldn’t eat olives for 20 years, they didn’t taste me. Meanwhile I love her:-)
The ones I spoon out of the glass:
…but not every variety. There are huge differences.
It’s not good, but I like to eat it. And only the green with pepper filling……
I don’t like olives, at least not without anything. Only if they are processed in dishes or salads and also only green if already.
palate wellness
They don’t even taste me when they’re made small on the pizza
Only the green
I hate olives.
Just cuddly
Don’t taste me.
Tastes and smells like dog jersey
Don’t want to know how you know how dog jersey tastes…
I hate olives
I hate olives!
I never liked it.
get away with it