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I wouldn’t say there might be some stupid comments from people who aren’t unemployed.
By the way: those who have to work comparatively hard for their few toads are often less inclined to say such as Schmarotzer than those who make nen piles of coal and I say consciously do not deserve. Although it’s been a while, but when Harz IV was still a novelty, a famous football goalkeeper has moved over the Harz IV receivers. Shortly thereafter he applied for resin IV himself!
No. Ukrainians who do not want to work are still accepted
Stigmatization and guardianship of Jobcenter employees yes. I’ve never heard of the others.
As always, this is the case. If you have been nurtured for 30 years in the hospital and this means that you can no longer work in your area and, secondly, no retraining is possible, you have not only earned your full pension, but also the greatest respect.
And there are many different cases in the case of civil money. I know, for example, people who have a Master’s degree, apply for themselves and still find no place, even though they sent out to the 100 applications. That’s just fucking without a floor, and citizens’ money is the absolutely minimum what they deserve in my eyes.
In other cases, I find it problematic if you simply retire, you can finance your apartment and do nothing day after day. It’s not fair to the taxpayer. But, of course, the system is the system, ready. None of us have conceived this and we will be born into this system, which we expect to be done quickly with school and work as long as possible. And some just think “no, no bump on it.” Whether it’s cool or not I’m leaving everyone who wants to think about it. As I said, I find it problematic.
No 0815 answer👍🏻
Thank you. I always try to look at every topic reflected from all sides. For some, I can do better than for others.
In which points would you agree with me and in which would you object to me?
That’s right. I’ll vote everywhere.
Eig, everywhere.
If someone is “removed” clear it is assi, but many jobs are really bone work, and especially for owners very rewarding. Many problems are homemade
Rather too little.
A little more effort would be appropriate.
Exclusion of reference.
Who can work, but doesn’t want to get too much. 3,000.- net a month with three children. Plus gez, health insurance, medicines, operations, refrigerator, medicines, partly up to 250,000.- a year { sister is pta), heating, school money. There are only 17 mio net payers. Officials deducted. Everyone can grind the rest. We’re broke…
old table. It’s more. 50 percent are migrants. But whoever doesn’t work can’t care.
What does stigmatization mean? We pay for it. And fact is, many are lazy.
And I know people from the office. People do not sit with a degree and have extreme expectations and requirements. That’s a joke.
Did you have personal experiences?
That’s not solemn anymore. From a buddy, the aunt is just a grenade. He studied. She said, you’re good. You just have to study. The buddy studied medicine and had depression because it was so much. And she said: she didn’t have it easy either, she had to work for office. And then I get the old ones working black in a kiosk.
Am I naive? My aunt is a snorer. She lives from the office and always went black. I heard the same stories with friends. I used to work next to the Abi workshop. The boss was nice and looking for an apprentice who had given everyone a chance. There is only one, though several should come according to office. We sat in the break room. And I asked, then, are you doing training here? The guy just laughed at me and if I were still close in my head. I don’t get up at 6:30. And I’m Turk. Just imagine logically. Don’t you know people who would use other people financially? Citizens’ money is abolished.
You have no idea. A higher wage only leads to inflation. Wages must correspond to work. If I do something stupid. I can’t drive a Lambo.
And I find that right in this compilation, no one has to be exploited. If you want them to do their black work, it never disturbed me, just because I think something has to change. 1-2 euros more pay an hour, do not let the economy collapse, and if not, then don’t stop. Then people are going to make black.
Then you have no idea.
I largely agree with it!
Nothing against you. But you have no idea. How much do you want to pay for a cleaning lady? If you pay more to people, then all the secret academics want more. If the wage is too expensive at the bottom, then you can no longer produce in DE and you can move it abroad. The wage below is perfect. But people aren’t stupid. You deserve more money when you make civil money and work black, but different. You can even work legally black. There are hundreds of tricks.
But I also know that with black work, a friend of my mother likes to receive men’s visit(….) against money understands, and still refers to the citizen’s money next door.
I think with the dismantling of civil money (which is so commonplace for me) one achieves the opposite, one promotes crime. I believe that in many industries, wages are too low and it should be paid for at first. Many would now say “when learn what reasonable” but it is fact that in life not everyone has the same possibilities. And in addition, it needs to raise every job, also the cleaning woman.
In the discussion it is always forgotten that for various reasons some are not able to work at all. To name the most cumbersome, but not the only, the language barrier, for example.
D is one of the few countries that permanently raises people without language skills. Others have the language to speak, otherwise there will be nothing with job and existence.
Income reduction/income incapacity pensioners rather less as it is secured to heavy/heavy inability to work.
People in the rescue parachute “Citizen Money” experience stigmatization as “Arm”
People in the hammock “Citizen Money” experience a stigmatization as “Faul”
I know it from a friend who’s reduced to work, and he’s retiring. They often had to hear behind the back “the wil only not” “what does she please” etc
She has depression.
Until a certain point, I even understand these sayings!
In the young generation it seems to be chic (perception of an old bag) to possess a mental impairment (depressions, SVVV, AD(H)S, Borderline etc.) and to use it as a shield and sword against social demands.
As an outside person, only the psychiate statement remains to me: “Which advantage is the mentally ill of his illness” and only when this advantage is eliminated and the pressure of suffering can be successful.
It is essential to separate the seriously ill person with his own suffering and life restrictions.
That’s right. I agree with you. But I think that only because a disease is “not visible”, it does not have to be less serious.
I have more impression, and I think the dog is rather buried there that many people only glow what they see. What they don’t see isn’t that bad.
Someone with Borderline can be more severely affected than a healthy wheelchair user. One thing you see is not the other.
I’ll allow the sick to be separated from the “mode sick”!
Anyone can recognize an amputation and a cancer is biologically diagnosed. In a mental illness, it is not so easy….
Sorry, was written on the fast
I think someone with AD(H)S and/or Borderline/Depressions can cause an enormous suffering pressure.
What do you think is the “healthy”?