Findet ihr Klamotten bügeln sinnvoll?
Woher kommen diese Flecken? Bin verzweifelt…
Meine Mutter hat die Unterhosen meines Vaters mit dem Kissenbezug usw von mir zusammen gewaschen. Ich weiß das wurde bei hohen Temperaturen usw gewaschen, aber irgendwie ekelt mich der Gedanke an. Was meint ihr?
Mein Kleid hat am Rücken direkt an der Naht von Rücken zu Schulter ein Loch. Bzw hat sich der Stoff von der Naht gelöst. Das Problem ist, dass der Stoff so Chiffon ist, heißt dass man es nicht einfach mit Faden und Nadel nähen kann. Wie kann ich das Loch nähen? Denn es wird immer…
Nutzt Ihr beim Waschen der Wäsche Weichspüler und weshalb (nicht)?? Lohnt es sich Weichspüler zu nutzen ,welche sind gut welche nutzt Ihr
Yes, I think that makes sense, but there are exceptions like
Generally,not meaningful but often necessary.
In particular,winter shirts over which a pull is worn,
You better save work. You don’t see that the shirts are crumbling.
Many washes that should be ironed can also be obtained smoothly with other treatment, e.g., drip noses hanging on a shackle, or stretch bed linen and put together and through a high stack,is due to the pressure “ball wash” if you insert the fresh wash below.
When buying the clothes you can make ironing easier.Bügelfrei is usually only an advertising gag, but the ironing effort can be lower.
I just feel comfortable when the clothes are crisp.
I myself actually iron everything, even my underwear. Personally, I think it’s important to just feel good.
If you hang the laundry properly beforehand and iron the laundry when the laundry is minimally damp, then you can also save time and create a lot more
Yes, in many parts it is important to me that these are ironed.
On the one hand it looks more tidy, on the other hand the surface is smoother, so the clothes do not get dirty so quickly.
But I don’t like socks and underwear.
Unfortunately, many things aren’t without ironing – if you don’t want to go around with trembling clothes!
But you don’t need to iron all clothes, e.g. underwear and handkerchiefs. This can also be applied without ironing.
Of course, most things have to be ironed.
Yeah, looks better than crippled clothes.
Depending on the clothes on blouses, it looks better
Well, I’ll show up on work with unleashed clothes, my boss probably hits me
if I am
Yeah, definitely.
Come on.
who hangs properly must iron less;-)
It has its meaning
But I’m too lazy