Findet ihr ich reite ,,zu schlecht „?


naja die Frage steht im Titel und ich will sie hier mal etwas beschreiben.Vorab ich habe kein eigenes Pferd und reite halt in Verschiedenen Ställen in einem der Ställe wo eine Rb von mir steht,gibt es drei Mädchen.Alle 3 reiten FEI sie sind 12,13 und 14

ich bin auch 13.

Im Gegensatz zu denen,reite ich keine Tunier(abgesehen von zwei A-Dressuren)

Im Training reite ich auch ein paar L Lektionen würde aber eher sagen das ich gutes A-Niveau (Dressur) reite.

Ich muss dazu aber auch sagen das es mir wichtiger ist ,,mein Pferd“ einfühlsam ,abwechslungsreich und Gesunderhaltend zu reiten anstatt nur schnell irgendwelche Lektionen zu können.

Während die anderen noch nie irgendetwas von der Skaler der Ausbildung oder Bodenarbeit gehört haben.

Die drei machen mich aber ständig runter,halten mir ihre neuen Schleifen ins Gesicht,sagen ich reite zu schlecht,lästern(auch vor mir)und probieren sogar seid neusten ,,mein Pferd“zu erschrecken während ich reite und lachen,dann wenn es sich erschrickt.

Den Stallbetreibern kann ich nichts sagen,da die eine die Tochter und die andere die Nichte ist.Die Besi des Pferdes kann leider auch nichts machen.Aufhören möchte ich aber auch nicht da ich sehr an dem Pferd hänge und der Stall auch sehr schön ist.

Also was sagt ihr sollte ich mehr trainieren?

Danke an alle die bis hierher gelesen haben oder vlt sogar probieren mir zu helfen.

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9 months ago

More real training, can never damage!

It is always nice to hear or read that no rider wants level nix!

All ride at least A level. However, imagine such riders in a riding lesson, few riding instructors scratch their head and have it not easy to get the rider at his nix Komma nix level.

Riding from level A is much more like most riders think if they really want to ride it fully from A to Z solide and retrieved at any time on any horse.

9 months ago

Complete with riding. You don’t feel comfortable in either of the two stables. On one hand, you don’t come to horse riding, on the other hand you have the goat war. I would save the money for the year and make quite different riding holidays or weekend classes.

If you’re a little older, you could ride out with one horse, and here in the stable, the girls are out of the childhood.
You’ve probably also matured so far that there’s no more power struggles. Because (don’t be angry with me.) as you are about these girls, you have a little to blame yourself for wanting to annoy you. You sound pretty arrogant, even though it might not be so meant. And that’s exactly what these girls will do to you.

Whether you ride too bad, of course, nobody can judge what you mean. More training is never a mistake that also do, or grade (!) the best riders. However, not to “show anyone”, 🫵 but because it makes joy to develop further. And you’re never done with that….

Under the circumstances where you ride there like there, I would not have any interest in it at all.

9 months ago

Do your thing. You can also tell them that you don’t have to dance around with loops in front of the nose because they need the confirmation. As you write, you’re on a great way, you think and ride on solid A to light L level. I don’t think about FEI tournaments anyway. You don’t like the pony

And just like Maxton Hall haha: “Whatever, doesn’t matter” and run away

9 months ago

If you want to stay, then you have to say something, as it will eventually annoy you and even have to scare my riding share. I’m sure every mother had to exhort his child.

Tournament rider ≠ good rider – I don’t flatter it, but just because you ride (a) tournament/e, it doesn’t mean you can ride well. This includes many other factors.

Training never hurts, horse riding takes many years if you want the right direction…

9 months ago

Hi, what the girls do with you are called bullying. I’d get some help on the stud, change the stud. Lg

9 months ago

You don’t write anything to your level, but you’re causing the behavior and knowledge of others.

Unfortunately, it is not at all possible to estimate what level you ride.
How do you build an hour with what goal? How do you find the individual points of the training scale?
What are your weaknesses when riding? What does your trainer improve with you more often?

9 months ago

So what do you think I should train more?

Your fur. It’s too thin.

9 months ago
Reply to  Horses1234543

If you have a thick coat, you can tell idiots yourself directly when they act like idiots and don’t have to go to their parents or anyone else.