Findet ihr ich kann gut zeichnen oder schlecht?
Ich bin 12. Wie findet ihr die Zeichnung?
Kann man stricken auch lernen?
Also unten seht ihr ein Bild von dem aktuellen Stand. Es soll einfach ein Himmel mit Farbverlauf sein dann ein Horizont und ein Meer mit ein paar Wellen. Allerdings soll da nicht so viel passieren, weshalb ich die Wellen auch nicht größer gemalt habe. Jedoch gefällt kir der Teil mit dem Meer so gar nicht….
Heyy sry das ich lange net gepostet habe hatte keine Fragen :). Alsooo ich würd halt echt gern nen fursuit haben aber bin halt ein bsl broke 🥲. Habt ihr Ideen wie ich mir einen selber machen kann? Hab Papier fursuit ausprobiert aber da gibt es ja nur den Kopf und hat auch irgendwie net…
Ich arbeite generell nicht so gern mit Schatten… vielleicht probiere ich es noch mal. Hier jedenfalls ein Bild, von Kitty die weint weil Freddy im Feuer am Ende des Spiels Umgekommen ist
Hallo zusammen. Ich habe eine häkelanleitung, in der das hier gefordert wird. Ich verstehe echt nicht, was damit gemeint ist. Kann mir das jemand erklären?
Very good, however, the colors look a bit unclean. But is very good
Yes I was only 11 or 12 at the very first and did not pay attention to cleanliness. Since then, my drawings have become more clean but generally ugly white not why
Better than me.
I am jealous
You don’t have to be quite often laughed because others find that I can’t draw
So please – your drawings even if you were only 11 or 12 then mega mega mega beautiful 🥰
I wish I had 1% of your sign talent. And yes, I definitely think you have talent. Very much.
P.S. Happy birthday 🍀 🎂 🎂 365 days full of luck, security, love and health 🌟 🌻 🌻 May all your dreams come true
Anyway, it’s still air up, but you’ve got the basics on it. Go on!
Have you ever drawn anything other than Mangas?
Yes semirealism and realism
… but still unskilled.
It doesn’t matter, but I hate Mangas!
Okay thank you all say I’m really bad except my friends
My drawing style has developed so eventually but with my current drawing into the hyperrealistic just try something new ahs at the moment
That’s right. Always practice and try new things!
But Mangas isn’t new.
Well, the drawings are not all of you. The differences are quite large.
I’m glad someone noticed! I have not found my character style yet, and there is a lot of time between the individual pictures! But if you look closely at your eyes, for example, you can see that it is all of me. I also told my friend that I don’t have an exact drawing style, but she told me that despite the differences you can see that it was the same artist. I agree with you, though, if I didn’t know better, I’d say so.
Figure 1 is 24.4.2022
Figure 2 of 20.8.2022
Figure 3 of 17.11.2022
Figure 4 of 6.11.2022
Note: I painted image 1.2 and 4 of existing images, but not paused. This could also have caused the change of character styles. Image 4 is completely self-painted and best reflects my character style. Originally wanted to add a finished, free-painted picture, but I drew a dark-skinned person there and was afraid that I had drawn something wrong and insulting dark-skinned people, which is why I didn’t hang it.
I’d be glad I could do it like you.