Findet ihr es schlimm wenn MC Donalds Mitarbeiter unhöflich und gestresst sind?
Warum beschweren sich eigentlich einige Kunden immer über das Personal ! Der Job ist bestimmt vom körperlichen und Psychischen einer der härtesten auf der Welt … und dann kommen abends Büroangestellte durch das MC Drive und beschweren sich wenn mal ne Soße fehlt
Hi Poppedelfoppe, 🙂
in the service sector one expects kindness, courtesy and concentration of the employees.
You have to know that when you get into a job relationship.
Greetings from tanzella 😃💐
Thank you for the star. ⭐
I’m very happy. Love greetings
Those who work with customers in gastronomy or elsewhere should be aware that courtesy and liability are expected. Inequality is business-damaging. The work is also much more fun when you are friendly, because it also turns on customers. Even unfriendly customers should be left and encountered with kindness, because they take the wind out of the sails.
Apart from that, work is certainly not more strenuous and associated with more stress than some of an office job.
I worked for many years as a customer manager and made myself a simple rule: If someone complains, I don’t take it personally – he has a problem with himself, with the family, with politics in general or with concrete circumstances, at least not with me – but if he wishes, I will take it personally 🙂
You should always be polite, except you react to someone who is already rude. I understand the people, even though it’s only annoying to them. You should just take mutual consideration.
I also think that it is absolute bullshit to pretend to work at McDonald’s would be one of the toughest professions on the World. I had to laugh when I read it. I can count at least 100 heavier professions for my part. I myself am at the fire department and find the statement simply devaluating, alone for all who carry out the same or similar activity. What the rescuers will do every day, apart from that, unfortunately no longer appreciated, on the contrary. (Bin off, but I wanted to get rid of it)
A sauce costs extra 40 cents, and who likes Pommes without Mayo or Ketchup. Of course, if that is missing and you have to go to the Drive In Switch again.Of course, the complaint should also be made in a respectful tone.It is a stressful job, but you can handle it easily if you want it.There are still staff at the Drive In Switch that intentionally forgotten things to customers.
Stressed I don’t bother because I understand that this can be a stressful job.
However, I am very disturbed when gastronomy workers are unfriendly/unhöflich.
Those who have to do professionally with customers should always be friendly and polite.
Unfriendly has nothing to look for in such professions.
If it becomes too stressful you should stop to love his health with the job. Such a job may be stressful, but many professions are stressful. If you were to justify it in every profession, you could not handle people anymore. In addition, everyone can claim he is stressed. It’s not justification.
In my opinion, courtesy must be. It should also be borne in mind that people who order have no influence on working conditions.
They are the hosts at the moment and must be friendly and polite. At least as long as the customer is rude.
The customer can’t do anything for it if the mood is bad, so you can’t leave it to him, otherwise he won’t come back.
I worked there myself as a student. This is neither physically nor psychologically exhausting. If I work in the service sector (no matter if McD, retail, office, etc) I must be able to deal with stressful situations and energized customers while staying polite. Who can’t do that has lost nothing in the profession.
Not bad, I can absolutely understand and most are not necessarily voluntary there.
I say nothing, try to calm her (generally stressed operation) and say that everything is fine.
But it does something when someone’s pissed at all the time… then take less pleasure.
ABER in this case you are a service provider, you are paid to serve people with a certain quality.
courtesy, supremacy and consistent quality, this is the formula for success; whether at McDonald’s or elsewhere.
Apart from the fact that I don’t eat voluntarily there. I don’t want to deny that this is exhausting, but there are even more violent jobs. Work sometimes in a doctor’s office or in the hospital or on construction, which is normal ne other price class.
and especially in services. They do the job voluntarily, no one stands with the whip in the back. As a customer, I can’t help it if he has a bad day. We all have, but still I’m the kind of courtesy with my customers.
And at McDonalds, I have never known rudeness. All are always very friendly, have a good look and work highly motivated and extremely correct. Unfriendly are at most common eclectic customers who are not even willing to wait two minutes occasionally, because everything is always freshly prepared and pleasantly warm served.
The hardest job is certainly not that, they know even what you’re getting involved and when you work with customers it’s never easy, but nevertheless friendliness is the A and O. And if you pay something and then it would be wrong to say nothing.
I don’t care how stressful the work is.
I don’t have a problem when a mistake happens or I have to wait a little longer.
But I am allergic to unfriendly people
I doubt
But have never understood that a customer or an employee is rude.
Permanently selling this crap is certainly “increased”, so it doesn’t matter how (completely) the stuff is handed over…
I can fully understand the staff, the pressure and stress there is not just little. But politely you should always be at least trying not to be so rude.
I would of course not be evil, they would forget a sauce. Would vllt again and ask if I get one more but the polite, sometimes what is forgotten is not bad or the stress can happen.
I don’t care as long as they don’t make any mistakes when ordering (except I get something I didn’t order, I don’t complain…)
The staff will have money to give us their performance.
If the staff of stress is too much, they should not work there!
People are very stupid. And you, as an employee, don’t care what’s going on. It’s not that easy at first, but it’s time to learn.
I still find that you should be a bit polite, but can fully understand
They have only 2 hands
naja hardest job of the world… is something much
but it is a crisp job with bad conditions and each one has a little more perspective will lose piece for piece.
so I don’t care if they are polite or not, basically my eating is warm and complete that was.
if I want service I don’t go there xD
Don’t touch me because I don’t go there anyway. Fast food with me at best 1x/month and then at Burger King. At least the burgers taste something.
Such situations exist in almost all professions where the bosses treat their employees badly and/or people are exposed to constant stress. They’re just people and they’re coming to their limits. It is not rare that it is not always polite.
As you call into the forest, it sounds back!
I haven’t had the experience yet
Of course, stress and hectic cannot be transferred to customers when you work in customer service. This is unprofessional. The customer pays money for a service and that is to be provided. That’s it.
Who goes there is blame for himself!!
Main thing I get my food
I don’t care what I’m eating.