Findet ihr es schlimm mit 13 hazbin Hotel zu gucken?
Heyy ich bin 13 und gucke halt hh (hazbin Hotel) findet ihr es schlimm oder halt frühreif? Weil es ist ja glaub ich ab 16. Ist es schlimm das ich es gucke und es jetzt halt einer meiner Lieblings Shows ist?
When you get clear with the topics (i.e. violence, sexual content, hot words, smoking, alcohol, etc.) that fits. You can still decide if you want to watch the series. The FSK is just a warning.
The show is at least well done, anything but realistic and not visually explicit.
There are much worse things that some 13-year-olds are getting into today.
Depending on how far the person is, this was already done with the classification of some things by the caregivers, but in general I would not recommend the show for the age.
As long as you don’t look at Prison Break, everything is good 🤠
No, I don’t think it’s bad
Absolutely not suitable for 13 year olds.