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Essen einseitig?
Wenn du für 1 Jahr auf jedes Gericht dasdrquf machen musst egal ob Burger, Eis, Salat, Kuchen weilches von dem würdest du nehmen?
Yes, of course.
So not in mosquitoes or flies, they’re just annoying.
But spider doesn’t have to be now. Although I become so hysterical every time for fear, I always throw them in the garden xD And I could never fish because I don’t want to kill fish :’)
I wouldn’t do that
Insects and other crabfish remain out of it thanks to biological lobe and fly gratings. Maeusen, Maulwuerfen and Muecken der Garaus are made in the garden, as well as any vermin on plants.
Farm animals for consumption are slaughtered, and as long as these animals are kept, transported and slaughtered “humanely” there is no objection.
In wildlife it is often necessary to keep an eye on the population and to reduce it if necessary.
Otherwise, I don’t call living beings or dead. Not human or animal.
I can only kill Schnaken.
If jmd kills animals from pure pleasure and lets them suffer intentionally, I don’t think that’s okay. Not with people either.
so you shouldn’t look there you’re right
Depends on the living entity. With mosquitoes or flies, I have no compassion (but do not suffer unnecessarily) but in larger animals or butterflies I find myself bad.
Depends on what. Stepping on an ant may be a little sad, but with it you have broken a mini-maschinchen rather than something that could understand or regret his death. Well, and otherwise, so on purpose, I just don’t kill animals.
Yes, especially in animals. Of course, even in people except they have made something much worse for what they have earned death. But since every other opinion is who deserves it is not a solution.
I think so.
The thought of forming oneself is the right to end another life, in my eyes is the most cruel at all.
We need many animal species to survive ourselves. These include, in particular, a lot of birds and insects, such as bugs, butterflies, bees. When we eradicated them, we turned out ourselves.
Life and life is my motto.
No Raffaela Raab I’m not a vegetarian and therefore for food I find it okay
Nsrumg is ok abet for fun killing is mixed
No, some serve us as food, others harm us because they transfer diseases or eat food away, such as locusts.
Not necessarily, if there is a reasonable reason for this, I don’t see anything suspicious.
This is life and nature.
Depends on what beings