Findet ihr es peinlich dem Bus hinterher zu laufen?

Bin heute zur Haltestelle gegangen und der Bus stand da nicht mal 10 sek. und dachte dann er sieht mich ja ,da ich gerade stehen geblieben war damit der Busfahrer die Tür aufmacht ,was er dann aber nicht getan hat …bin dann dem Bus hinterher gelaufen an min 30 Realschülern ( höchstens 5-6 Klasse) vorbei die mich ausgelacht haben und unter Busaufsicht einer Lehrerin …

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8 years ago

No, it’s not embarrassing. Apparently the under-children who feel great in the crowd and have laughed at you.

And it’s embarrassing, above all, that the bus driver’s profession is.

8 years ago
Reply to  MaikGold


8 years ago
Reply to  MaikGold

give him the most helpful answer, see it exactly as

8 years ago
Reply to  spassvogel13

😀 :

Yes, only after 24 hours. Thank you. :

8 years ago

If you’re really going after the bus on the road ne minute, it’s a little #awkward. I find it worse to go on by the bus driver so three times without giving you the chance to get in before.

8 years ago

It’s not always the bad bus drivers.

I understand that you’ve been standing at the door, but the door hasn’t gotten up. Maybe the bus driver has already focused on the traffic and could not see you. Then it usually doesn’t have anything to run behind or sneak on the driver.

They must also keep their schedules. To your question whether it’s embarrassing. Basically, it is not embarrassing to think that you can still reach the bus.

8 years ago

I always found this embarrassing:D When I saw that I probably didn’t catch the bus anymore, I always hid around the corner so that the others don’t see me… probably that was more embarrassing;-)

8 years ago

Come on. The one you have to get the bus because of the time I’d run. But just who you can get him up. It’s embarrassing who you’re coming to the next station too late

8 years ago


What’s your interest?

These are kids who would laugh if you missed the bus without “behind to hunt”

8 years ago

The bus driver didn’t do it, did he?

Did you get him?

8 years ago
Reply to  spassvogel13

Sometimes you have to do what to do

No matter what children are saying, I’m on the A..

8 years ago

Haha I never run again a bus after missed 😂