findet ihr es lohnt sich heutzutage noch einen auto führerschein zu machen?
bei den preisen
bei den preisen
Schönen guten Tag, Ich spiele mit dem Gedanken, mir den Peugeot e-208 GT per Autoabo anzuschaffen. Im Lieferumfang ist allerdings nur das SchuKo Ladekabel. Ich bin ein absoluter Neuling, wenn es um E-Autos geht. Ich stelle mir jetzt die Frage, ob ich mir zusätzlich einen Typ 2 / CCS Stecker kaufen muss? Haben die Ladesäulen…
Die, die ganzen Autos nach oben liftet?
Hallo, ich wohne in Deutschland und wurde am 22.01.23 geblitzt. Habe noch immer kein Bußgeldbescheid erhalten. Wie lange dauert die Zustellung ca? Habt ihr da Erwartungswerte? Wann verjährt das ganze? VG
Hallo Ich will mir einen gebrauchten BMW X1 kaufen, leider habe ich gelesen das es bei dem Auto Probleme mit der Steuerkette gibt. Aber welche modelle sind das genau ? Also welche Modelle könnt ihr mir empfehlen, und welche sollte ich eher meiden ? Danke für Antworten 😉 LG
Was treiben moderne Dreizylinder auf dem Weg zu den ersten 100 000 Km, das der Alltagsfahrer wissen müsste/ sollte, das er aber nicht aus den Werbe Videos ziehen kann?
Was kostet es ca. das Schweisen zu lassen?
If you have to drive or want to drive, you don’t really have a different choice. However, in comparison with what car driving costs in the long term, the driving licence is still a rather inexpensive matter today.
The fact that it is quite senseless to make a driver’s license, if you will never drive perspectively, was already the case 10 years ago.
At my time, there were people who had the FS with 1500DM in their pocket and also those who hadn’t had it with 4000DM. How expensive it gets depends mainly on 2 factors.
In addition, it is a matter at present that the FS probably take everything that is coming up. Then it is also possible to drive only 1 times a week, and you therefore need forever and you will need a lot of driving hours.
You can learn. We have no idea. But in any case you have in your own hands how expensive the FS is.
And whether you need it or not, whether it makes sense… You can only decide for yourself!
When I think back at my time, the driving licence was significantly cheaper about 1500DM
But I have had to pay the one from my apprenticeship salary and that was just about 500DM a month.
Of course, I had already made spending and not the full 500DM.
So I don’t see the madness difference now.
Fact is whether it’s worthwhile for you to rate yourself
you need to know what you want.
Yes, driving a car is expensive, but there is also a lot of freedom. For example, you are not dependent on the times of the ÖPNV, but can drive where you want, when you want.
In the country, a licence is almost a must, as here is the ÖPNV connection i.d.R. garbage. You can’t get anywhere without a car.
In the city, especially big cities, there you can also save your ticket as you come here very quickly with the public (as long as you don’t leave the city)
I have the car driver and the motorcyclists (was both expensive) and regret absolutely nothing. Rather on the contrary.
LG Schurzi21
As stated here several times, it is in your decision whether you need a driver’s license or not and whether it is worth doing one.
Sometimes it is necessary because the available transport connections are not sufficient. Sometimes it is necessary because it is needed in the profession. etc.
The prices are not decisive, but what is the benefit of the driver’s license.
In any case, prices are variable because, apart from compulsory hours, the number of hours you need is influenced by yourself. Some have quickly developed the technology and is well aware of road traffic and some have already failed to coordinate the individual processes.
Yeah, it does.
Not really especially if you live in town anyway. Unless you want one and it’s much better.
If you earn money or save more than he costs, he pays himself.
If you’re living in the country, or swinging, he’d be beneficial.
Many craftsmen also wish one!
No one can take this decision, you have to decide yourself.
imagine you want to make a celebration.
I want 30 people to come.
How are you gonna drag the drinks?
Car is important!
Why? This is becoming more and more necessary in the railway chaos.