Findet ihr es komisch, wenn sich jmd in eine WhatsApp Gruppe für ein Klassentreffen einladen lässt,aber dann absagt,weil er mit den Leuten nix mehr zu tun hat?

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2 months ago

I find it a pity if old classmates do not want to come to a class meeting (e.g. after 10 or 20 years).

But the one or the other has no interest in it. Sometimes this is certainly due to your own situation and emotional situation, sometimes the person has simply completed the past and does not see any sense in the evening together. Sometimes someone also links school time with unpleasant memories.

Whatever the reason, it seems that the person was really clear when she read the other names and the chat messages. I don’t think that’s so strange.

2 months ago

No, why would that be funny? Is also his decision whether he has anything to do with you or not

2 months ago

Vlt. did not know the person who is still in the group and then noticed that it does not fit him. I think it might happen.

2 months ago

It’s strange… On the other hand, opinions can change… Then the person won’t go. So what.

Better than if you show up when he doesn’t have a ball and then poisons the mood…

2 months ago

I find the argument very odd. “Because you have nothing to do with people anymore” – is there not exactly the meaning behind a class meeting? Meet people from the past with whom you have nothing to do with today?

2 months ago

Something like that is common today.