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You’re still studying.
Also with 2 jobs, you should ask yourself who should educate the KInd.
For me, it sounds like if you want a child, but then leave it to others, so rather to “satisfaction your ego, sorry…
No I will take care of myself
No, it’s not funny.
Many have the desire for children, regardless of a partner.
If you have the appropriate environment for it (friends, family) and financially independent, nothing is against it.
So if I work full time and have 2 jobs, that would work or?
I see you’re still studying and never had a relationship.
All your contributions suggest that you shouldn’t think of your own child for a long time.
It’ll be really difficult with a kid.
But it’s possible.
I was 2x alone, but I had every support, otherwise I could only have lived with state support.
I didn’t want to work so much, and my child didn’t see it anymore
It doesn’t happen so fast.
Enjoy your life, become independent, probably also comes a relationship, and possibly even someone you want to have a child.
If not, you can still get a child alone
Yes, but I’m done soon I want to have a child but if I don’t find a friend /man then it’ll be too late at some point :/
No, it’s not funny, it might be a bit unusual, but that’s not automatically something negative.
However, you should be aware that the single parent has the greatest risk of poverty in Germany, and that often goes down to retirement, because you can pay nothing to little for years.
There’s always that. It’s not funny.
Do you have to pay for it or?
The health insurance only supports artificial fertilization in married couples. For all others, it’s a self-payer performance.
I don’t know. I’d ask the health insurance.
Okay, thanks
Go to the club there it happens quickly
No clubs I don’t visit anyway so there’s nothing haha
Sure, and with a bit of luck, the baby is already infected with syphilis at birth -.-*
Lt another post is she still virgin