Findet ihr es auch richtig dass Firmen die sich an billigen Öl und Gas aus Russland bereichert haben nun die Quittung bekommen?

Keine Energie mehr aus Russland.

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2 years ago

What a pointless question/position. The companies have not enriched themselves in cheap gas. They have created jobs and paid well. The fact that the share price has drastically fallen since the beginning of the war (for example at BASF) is another thing. It is necessary to bathe, as everywhere, the small shareholders and the employees and workers.

2 years ago
Reply to  HeinzHeins

I don’t think you understand business.

2 years ago

Yes, we currently have many idiots in our government, the question is how much of the problems we currently have, we have caught up with their incompetence and are pushed only on the evil Russians or how much has actually caused Putin alone.

2 years ago

You don’t.

2 years ago

Depending on how you define it, it is either to provide cheap products to the job of a company or it is the job of a company to generate profits.

Furthermore, it will not complain about oil from Saudi Arabia, which is a much larger non-right state than Russia.

2 years ago

What a pointless question/position. The receipt, is it one?, do not get the shareholders who continue to be very good, but the employees.