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Not really. Even if as a 16-year-old I really would have been the recipient of such a gift.
4000 € are a lot of money. Most people have to work in full time for longer than a month. You can buy a neat used car from it. Depending on the apartment, this sum is also for half a year rent.
Someone who never had to develop such a thing himself and who has little or no life experience has never learned to appreciate such values. Never dealt with the fact that you first have to invest work and effort so that you have so much money available. And if the expensive sports equipment is once consumed and is to be replaced, it is either expected that you will get such a high value again, or the big belly sinker comes on the floor of reality.
For this consideration, it doesn’t matter if the donor is perhaps a multimillionaire and doesn’t even notice a few thousand euros. It is about the young person learning that expensive material values do not come out of nothing.
Only if the young person were an active sportsman, I felt such a gift as correct. However, if the youngster has no desire for MTB competitions, the competition sports equipment is also gone.
Super argumentation! I’m full of you!
Me too
No, I think that’s too much. This should be an e-mountain bike. This is not necessarily necessary. When you pump the tires and get some muscles on, the motor will definitely replace it. And a hardcore mountain biker doesn’t need a motor.
If he can do something about it, why not?
Well, I think it’s too much. This is a very expensive sports equipment that you can enjoy when you have created it yourself or at least saved it. There can be not only low-grade scrap below € 4000?!
If the 16-year-old is actually right in the sport “in” and regularly drives bigger competitions, you could think about it – but that would be an exception and there would still be the question of whether there would be something comparable for half…
That’s what I thought.
I think if an uncle buys his nephew an expensive MTB completely fine. And I also think it’s nice of you to support the hobby of him. Especially if he’s talented and you’re supporting this.
It is less about support or not, but a proportionality. And you could also support it with a relatively cheaper, still high-quality sports equipment.
We forgot today that a gift should have a symbolic value first. The uncle doesn’t seem to have money. What do the parents of the nephew say (one is the brother/sister of the uncle)? Isn’t the parents blaming with such a covered gift? Today, proportionality seems to have been lost, besides many others.
“Today, proportionality seems to have been lost, many others also tend.” In front of all, besides appreciation!
No way. 4,000€ is a sum that even a busy 16-year-old simply has not available to 99,99999%. In this respect such a gift completely distorts the claim to reality.
That’s not appropriate.
I don’t know the prices.
A professional racing bike costs up from 10,000 €.
I know, but not on mountain bike.
With a thousand, I already know.
A suitable bicycle starts at €1000 anyway. And then I have nothing special. But unfortunately there were not all the circumstances mentioned.
If this is used as a sports device, and the young man may be sharp on competitions, why not? There is much more money put into other sports.
No. This is in the corner in 2 years and the enthusiastic 16 year old mountain biker has become an enthusiastic 18 year old driver.
How do you know that? Do you know the person in question and can be perceived above?
Yeah, both.
Einstein tells you something? He has found that every event on a time ray is already existing in the now. So the future is solid and not variable. So you just have to look.
I don’t know. But I trust the knowledge of the scientists who have proven these things sufficiently well that the specialist world generally accepts them as truth.
All right, well, you could also tell me your name and call corresponding references where you demonstrated your veritability. If that’s confirmed by someone whose scientific expertise I trust, that’s enough for me.
But let’s be honest: neither do you know what the continuum is nor what space-time waves are. So your knowledge is apparently not all-encompassing.
Because truth-telling contradicts my complete knowledge of space and time. And because I’m not one of the idiots who just believe any claim of any stranger from the internet.
Now I wonder why you’re so skeptical? Just because you can’t, it doesn’t have to be universal.
As soon as I saw that you can make a stand, I believe you.
Dito at the fortune story.
I can, but I have to synchronize. I can also have a handle. Do you believe me or do I have to do one?
If you could, you wouldn’t be looking for excuses.
What do you think?
In other words: You can’t.
I just told you this isn’t so easy. Like you wanted to drive a car without a jump.
I don’t care. Just say something ahead of which no intelligent person could close himself from generally available information.
So this doesn’t work so easy. I have to connect to the continuum. I can only achieve this in a state of trance. My walking waves must swing synchronously with the space-time waves.
In order to predict this, the possession of two functioning brain cells is sufficient. You don’t have to be a fortuneteller.
Good. Then I predict that this conversation will be completed today.
Why would I believe you?
I’ve only read claims from you so far. Claims can also be made by someone who actively lies or mentally has lost contact with reality.
I therefore come to the conclusion that you are either a liar or a dizzyor and hereby declare me willing to review this view as soon as I have seen proof of your fortunes.
Why would I tell you? I don’t have to prove anything. I predicted 9/11 and the Ukraine war
Then say it and we look at how it comes.
For I do not see any reason to believe that your assertion is true story.
The difference between a story and a truth is known to be proof.
Could I tell you, but a vision already shows a fixed future. You can’t change it anymore.
Okay. Then just say when and where the next best flood catastrophe à la Ahrtal takes place, so that people can get out in time.
No. But I’m not telling you the lottery numbers. I only use my ability for good. Not to make you rich
I don’t think it’s true.
To delimit you from the people who live in a dream world far from reality?
But I also take another fortune-telling as proof.
No. Why would I want to share with you?
Interesting. Can you tell me tomorrow’s lottery numbers?
It’s exaggerated. Less isn’t going?
This depends on the relationship between Schenker and Beschenktem.
No way
That’s the question if I can afford it as a gifter. Other youngsters run riding sports or playing any musical instrument under will sometimes put a lot more money in.