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Everyone should be able to cook so far that he doesn’t burn the water.
As basic things like noodles or rice should always be possible
Shall we?
Who’s supposed to do that?
Should the woman write in the marriage contract or should it be graded as one of the main subjects (multiplier, spelling and roast potatoes) at the middle school?
What then happens to men who can’t “boil” and what can’t cook with women, and what with people with non- Binary gender identity that might only cook halfway.
even if my answer is a bit to Klamauk, it is an attempt to expose the absurdity behind it.
My impression is that the ever-observing polarisation of society is increasing even more in terms of cooking. In our well-known circle there are men like women who can cook excellently, as well as people of any sex who actually feed themselves only from canteen and bring service.
The predominant role model in the Boomer generation, which cooks the woman, and the man can be boiled. I’ve been out of my observation for two generations.
He doesn’t have to cook super well now, but that he does something himself and doesn’t starve in front of the full fridge should be inside.
Only if he doesn’t want to starve and sometimes wants to eat something warm.
Of course. It’s almost as good as mine.
Its palaches are even better. 😁
Not necessarily, but it would be cheaper and healthier to eat prefabricated dishes, but they cost more. Or you can always eat in the restaurant, which is healthier, but more expensive and also costs more time.
As a boiling man I say, it’s a good thing for everyone if you can help yourself in the kitchen in a way and get more done than a covered bread and a sliced tomato. Completely sex-independent.
I think everyone should have basic knowledge of cooking. Perhaps the topic of civilization diseases is also dealt with in connection with ready-made dishes. Or that dirt **** from McDonald’s or Burger King.
And you save money by cooking yourself.
I think an adult person should be able to take care of himself. This is also for me to cook at least something. It’s not a witchcraft.
Absolutely, why would he just get boiled? From the beginning of our coexistence and then our marriage, I have always cooked.
Why wouldn’t he be able to? Everyone should be able to cook whether man or woman.
Of course.
Yeah, he knows what’s in the food.
Something– yes. Well, no one has to cook imho.
Yes logical, although this is actually a matter of women
I cook as well as my wife
Of course. How else is he supposed to feed?
Oh, yeah.