Findet ihr dieses Zitat entspricht der Wahrheit?
“Wer glücklich ist, fühlt. Und wer unglücklich ist, denkt.”
“Wer glücklich ist, fühlt. Und wer unglücklich ist, denkt.”
Bin von einer wohlhabenden Stadt in eine andere fürs Studium gezogen, der Bezirk meiner Wohnung ist dafür bekannt asozial/gefährlich zu sein.Heute hat mir eine Studentin gesagt das man niemals zu dem Bezirk sehen sollte und jetzt versuche ich positiv zu bleiben, was mir aber schwer fällt.
Inkompetenz wird zur Tretmühle Die Tiere fühlen, wo ihre Gaben liegen; Ein Bär wird nicht versuchen zu fliegen, ein lahmend Pferd bleibt stehn und sinnt, bevor es die fünffache Hürde nimmt, Ein Hund weicht instinktiv zur Seit’, Ist ihm der Graben zu tief und zu breit, Der Mensch indes scheint mir die einz’ge Kreatur, Die…
Moin, Ich bin seit 2 Tagen erkältet. Gestern fing es an das ich viele Punkte im Sichtfeld hatte. Vorhin aufgestanden und jetzt habe ich ein fetten großen Punkt im Sichtfeld und kann teilweise Sachen kaum erkennen also so ein bisschen wie dieses Aura von Migräne. Ist das normal?
Ich höre davon manchmal, verstehe aber gar nicht wie diese Menge überhaupt getrunken werden kann. Natürlich sitzt so jemand dauernd auf der Toilette weil alleine diese hohe Flüssigkeitsaufnahme ja wieder ausgeschieden werden muss. Dann die Kcal und der Alkohol der enthalten ist .. kurz gefragt, wie überleben Alkoholiker das überhaupt ? Zudem geht das auch…
Hi Ich kämpfe schon seit längerem mit einem Problem. Ich habe nämlich Angst davor, was andere von mir denken. Jetzt merke ich es wieder, weil ich will mir eine Wellensteyn Jacke kaufen. Da diese Jacke aber nicht mehr im Trend ist und ich auf Tiktok einige videos sehe wo leute sagen “Diese Jacke ist gestern”,…
Everyone who feels thinks first. Makes the difference in feeling what you think or what you are deeply convinced of.
First the thought arises and then the feeling arises.
I do not agree with the statement.
Thank you for the star ⭐
That’s not true. One circumstance does not rule out the other, one can be happy if one judges with thought the same with feeling can be just as bad luck.
That’s not true.
You think and feel in every state of feeling. Whether happy or sad.
Every feeling requires a thought that starts a process …
Not really, that varies from type to type. That’s my experience.
Some of them are happy, yet some are a little more, “headed” and others are not.
The quotation simplifies strongly, but it contains a true core: happiness is often associated with intuitive feeling, while thinking is often accompanied by worries.
Think IST doubt.
But does it mean to be happy not to be happy despite his doubts?
As long as I don’t doubt happiness, I can doubt living tomorrow, but still be happy today.
Or do I see it wrong?
Thinking is more than that. If I’m planning a party, I have to think a lot. It has little to do with doubt.
Honestly, this with my mother is a cheerful board😂
Because of my own history, I’m not so sure, but mostly, yes. It doesn’t prevent me from being happy.
Does it take 100%? Or are you unclear about it?
Do you accept that your mother is your mother?
Isn’t that 100% acceptance?
I accept the work and the money, but tolerate the circumstances that this entails or am aware of it in that it constitutes part of it.
The question is if you are happy at the moment you doubt. Not?
How else do you want to answer the question?
100% acceptance is not available? Don’t you accept 100% that you get money for your work?
Not for me. You need doubts to grow on you, that’s what leads to happiness. You can also doubt many things, but you can still be happy. Some people doubt, for example, our conception of the world and yet they can be happy in this.
There is no 100% acceptance, this is utopian. Happiness means to be 100% happy despite this unpredictable.
Okay, I’ll go. That sounds quite clear.
Is that lucky, not the absence of doubt? Bzw complete acceptance of the given?
Don’t say that doubt is always bad. Everything has its purpose.
You plan by comparing. Doubts are a balance between two or more points of view.
Or you’d just make a party. Wouldn’t you doubt that it’s quite unplanned or inappropriate
Being lucky can mean finding peace with yourself despite doubt. Doubts belong to thinking, but true happiness often arises when one accepts them instead of letting themselves be dominated by them.
Yes. Bzw, to be happy, you have to feel
Try to be negative without thinking… Is that okay?
Happy is not to think without (before).
Sure? Then what is it?
The FS only asks for it. It doesn’t mean he’d see it like that.
I assume that because I have been dealing with such things for almost 4 decades.
But that would not even be necessary, because it is also to be explained in purely technical terms:
We think IMMER. If we don’t think anymore, we’re dead. It’s impossible not to think. This is even scientifically underpinned. Even if we try to move us mentally in “nothing” or quantum physics in the “zero-point field”, this represents a thinking process.
So every feeling must be based on a corresponding thought. We are not aware of each of our thoughts and many things are subconscious. But the thought was there first.
Maybe. But you interpret that. Doesn’t mean that the questioner sees it like that, and not that one behind the quote.
The intessant question would be, why would you accept that?
I think, because the FS with the quotation at the same time puts the thesis in the room or wants to clarify whether it is true that (only) who is “happy” would feel (and do not think) and who is “unhappy” would just think (but do not feel).
Both think and feel. The difference in feeling makes the quality of thought.
Okay, you’re right.
But that would not be a contradiction with the statement by the author
who feels happy thinks happy.
It’s too vague. And it sounds a little like an excuse not to think.
I can’t really applicate it on a silly case. Or otherwise. it cannot be interpreted. It seems pretty meaningless to me.
Because it is obviously the lucky and unhappy human feelings and also think.
And depending on the person, the weighting will be different. There are people who are more emotional. They finally feel in positive suns or in negative feelings. And men are more head humans who take their feelings but they live less.
I do not see the meaning in the statement.
Maybe a little superficial, but already plausible.
I know people who are very happy. They’re right feeling people.
If I have problems as often as I am, then I am a lot more abominable than feeling.
It’s more like a cheap calendar spell