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1 year ago

I can’t find the point where it’s going to be fun.

1 year ago

If this blows the frame, please delete the answer… However, this style blossom has to be public.

Anyone who is involved in the Meme culture will say something.

I come to hell 😐

1 year ago

Find visual memes not funny when already videos!

1 year ago

You can laugh and sweat about ALL. Also about MICH, about Jews, about Germans, about Nazis, about Africans about Chinese, about dogs, about weapons, about Grandma and Grandma AND AUCH about Mohammed and co.

1 year ago

Leave my prophet alone? Why would you make fun of him? simply childish

1 year ago

What’s your problem? Jesus wouldn’t care if amazed at him

1 year ago

It is not “dein” prophet.

1 year ago

For a simple reason. You can sweat about ALL. Your statement is precisely the current problem of Islam. The glorification of one’s religion over the expression of opinion of all others. One thing that had to learn Christianity and also to learn Islam if he wants to be part of our world.

1 year ago

That’s too deep. Muslims must learn to hold criticism, spotting and haem. Just as it hurts my feelings when someone makes fun of Star Wars, the Muslim must stop making fun of Islam or the Prophet. Otherwise, these people must leave our society.

1 year ago

No, I mean you wouldn’t just sit still there and say nothing, but say that it’s not okay.

You can do that, but you still don’t care. Why doesn’t anyone do it? Because he has to fear danger for body and life. Is that okay?

1 year ago

And directly the crime into the sacrificial role. I’m just talking facts. To date, such caricatures have almost been annoyed with violence. Do you even have WIESO to make a picture of him? It’s a mystification. Classic propaganda, also observed in North Korea with the KIMS. If you would just critically deal with your faith, we wouldn’t have to have such conversations at all. Unfortunately, however, the opposite is the case as you see at your immediate defense reaction.

1 year ago

No, I mean you wouldn’t just sit still there and say nothing, but say that it’s not okay. Go away with your hatred for Islam

1 year ago

Other question. What do you mean don’t accept? How should Muslims do it? With great murder like Charlie Hebdo? Or what should happen if I publish such a caricature tomorrow? How would you want this to be handled? There would be no legal handling for this.

1 year ago

Yes. And keep the MUSS a company. One thing that the Muslims in the world have unfortunately misunderstood. Have not seen any terrorist attacks after funny Jesus cartoons, as Christians have learned this 100-200 years ago to live with it. And as long as the Muslims do not stop it, it is always looking down upon them.

1 year ago

But he has to accept. There must be a free and pluralistic society.

1 year ago

that is not an expression of opinion, that is disrespect. A difference you still have to learn and everyone religious Christ (and also Muslims) would not accept in any way that it is spotted on Jesus (with Muslims Isa a.s.).

1 year ago

Not bad, just not funny.

I got a lot better, but I don’t want to find out.

1 year ago

So funny as boring at the same time.