Findet ihr diese Länder sind auch Turkstaaten?
Als Turkstaaten zählen ja eigentlich nur Türkei, Aserbaidschan, Kasachstan, Kirgistan, Usbekistan und Turkmenistan
Ich habe aber auch schon mal gehört das Leute die Mongolei, Ungarn, Finnland, Estland, Bulgarien, Albanien, Kosovo, Mazedonien, Montenegro und Bosnien ebenfalls als Turkstaaten bezeichneten
Was sagt ihr, sind diese Länder auch Turkstaaten?
Ich glaube die Leuten haben Uralische Länder (Ungarn, Finnland und Estland) mit Turkstaaten verwechselt welche einige Überschneidungen haben. Auch verwechselt haben sie wahrscheinlich Länder die damals zum Osmanischen Reich gehörten (Bulgarien, Albanien, Kosovo, Mazedonien, Montenegro und Bosnien).
There fantasies probably swung along to restore the Ottoman Empire. Estonia and Finland never belonged.
“I believe the people have confused Ural countries (Hungary, Finland and Estonia) with Turk states which have some overlaps. They have also probably confused countries that were then part of the Ottoman Empire (Bulgaria, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia). “
Yeah, you’re right.
Although Hungarian has no doubt a few turk-language fir words, nevertheless it is not a Turk language (and German also has some Latin fief words, nevertheless we are not Romans, and German is not a Roman language). The hereditary words in Hungarian are not turkish, but originate from quite different sources (which sometimes fit to Finnish, but often not).
The buzzard is called hiirihaukka in Finland (hiiri = mouse, i.e. “Mäusebussard”), but in Hungary he is called Ölyv. Like the pusztai oilyv, the pusztabussard.
Pusztai Oilyv – Wikipédia (
The word “oilyv” can be associated with turquoise (or Mongolian) vowels (it does not fit the Finnish word). This is also not always the case in Hungarian in this way.
No, they don’t belong to it.
They have also probably confused countries that were then part of the Ottoman Empire (Bulgaria, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia).
Right! In our days, these countries have nothing to do with the Turks. In some of them lives but not a small amount of people who speak Turkish.
I agree that these are not Turk states. Finland, Estonia, Ugarn are a language family. The others have Turkish minorities as a heritage from the Ottoman period. Many of them were part of the Hun Empire and the Mongolian Empire. Something’s mixed up. Just as we Germans have long been no longer an ariar (thanks to the Lord).
Germans were never Arier.
That’s one indoiran Language family!
Hungary yes the rest no
I don’t know that I belong to a Turkvolk
I didn’t mention Serbia. Do you think Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia and Macedonia belong to Serbia? Don’t be a hat.
These are Slavic states.
Ssrbia is a Slavic state. The others don’t.
Montenegro, Macedonia and Bulgaria too.
The most recent countries listed in the Explanatory Notes.
Of course, Bulgarians are Slavs.
Bulgaria is not