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Is that a visual mouse or does it have a ball? I bet the ballrooms don’t know many of the younger here anymore.
Yes it has a ball ðŸ ̃
Those were still times. Get the ball out at regular intervals and clean up the small contact wheels on which the Schmodder has set off. 😁
What’s that? Does the ball roll on the surface and that is the input?
Exactly, the ball sat where the optical sensor is sitting today. When rolling the ball over the surface, small rows were moved inside the mouse 3 which then transferred to the pointer movement on the screen.
😆 was born in 2006 and so a little grew up
20 years ago the design was solid. Today, the old-baked and also not really ergonomic.
Well, so I find the nd sooo beautiful.😅
LG Maike
Computer showers in general are müll!
The sensor uvm is simply step in such office mice.
I don’t know what to find.
Simple, simple, functional.
But certainly not.
Looks pretty.
I know more beautiful!
Computer showers are never beautiful, but only useful.
A simple but functional mouse.
I like that.