Findet ihr die Vermarktung von Fleisch nicht gruselig?

Also so Sachen wie die Tierwohl-Theke. Und im Endeffekt liegen da halt die Teile von den toten Tieren.

Aber auch denke ich mir, wenn man ein Schwein ist und realisieren würde, dass die Leute, die da so freundlich zu mir sind (halt wegen dem Tierwohl), eigentlich im Hinterkopf darüber nachdenken mein Fleisch zu fressen – also mich nicht einfach zu töten sondern mich zu fressen, ist das schon extrem gruselig.

Die Tierwohl-Qualität!

Die BILLA Tierwohltheke | BILLA

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1 year ago

It’s creepy. Sometimes I also feel that people think the animals would die laughing.

1 year ago

No, I can’t.

The life of an animal should be good, even if it may be short. There are more or less good seals and declarations, as well as the option of looking at producers personally.
There are also thek sections “regional organic” for beef, “rough” for pig and “freeland” for poultry. Often provided with QR codes or flyers from the farms. Although this Fleich is more expensive, dei Thekens are soon bought empty because there is a rethink and many do not want to support intensive care – not to mention the taste.

“Leave the animals alone” would not be a functioning option, because who exactly is to feed thousands, tens of thousands of animals, care for animals, to put them in a manner suitable for animals without even making the smallest profit that weighs the gigantic expenses?
It was probably more likely that the animals were slaughtered and destroyed if there were no customers and all kinds die out simply and simply.

By the way, the pig is happy about food, fresh straw and delicious food, it thinks like all animals, not morning and does not speculate about its future. It’s just human thought.

1 year ago
Reply to  Angulimala1610

Ah, so I’d rather “resolve”?
I thought they should all dance happily to their natural ending through flowery meadows?

1 year ago

Well, that’s not a consistent idea. Why do I think that someone thinks it’s gonna end up instead of sticking to paroles? Well, good night.

1 year ago

And where is the answer to what should happen to the existing millions of animals?
Slaughter is gone, so WER is supposed to sell it even if there is no more revenue, but the expenses go on for 20 years if you think about cattle, for example? Or do you want the sponsorship for 10,000 pigs?

1 year ago

Why would that be creepy? Advertising aims at the welfare of animals during breeding and not to slaughter the animal so that it can be eaten.

And if you look at it correctly, the animal had only a happy life, just because we want to eat it. Otherwise, it would have had no life, otherwise it would not make any sense for an animal life in the breeding.

So the pig (or whatever) must be grateful to the human being (if it might think)

1 year ago
Reply to  Angulimala1610

In any case, this has to be somehow incorporated into this animal welfare advertising.

You have to tell the advertising agency and not me. ECT

1 year ago

Yes creepy. Animal welfare, that is, the word, should not be used. Also simply from respect to animals.

1 year ago

Don’t you think the marketing of meat is creepy?

No, no, no, no.

1 year ago
Reply to  Angulimala1610

So if I were single, they could come out of my closet at night. I’ll know what to do with her.

1 year ago

If you think that you can only do this together at night, you need to get older.

1 year ago

You need meat or meat.

It’s not creepy, it’s BIO!

1 year ago
Reply to  Angulimala1610

It’s okay.

Can’t make it really different. Except for infusion

1 year ago
Reply to  SimonTheWizard

Bio is just like greenwashing often just a fake campaign.

1 year ago

Yes, I know because there’s nothing to discuss xD If you miss the arguments, you just pretend to have better things to do.

1 year ago

I won’t discuss with you.

1 year ago

There’s nothing to discuss. If you are meat, you should be aware that you make a selfish decision that harms the environment and supports animal suffering. What to discuss xd anyway

1 year ago

I won’t discuss.

1 year ago

What do you mean, you need meat or meat?

1 year ago

Just like someone you are, someone who prefers to close the eyes and just keep going. But then you can discuss with me, because I’m not vegan, but don’t seal my eyes to protect my egoism.

1 year ago

I didn’t say you were gonna die without meat.

1 year ago

Okay, I don’t have a ball to discuss with a vegan.

1 year ago

Well, you say that you would seem to die without meat unless you take infusions (which is completely wrong at first).

You would probably also use the argument that soy-alternatives are also harmful without considering that 90% of soy production goes into animal feed.

Hold it as you know. Victims of good lobbying of meat production companies.

1 year ago

Supplements do not have to be taken by infusions xD

1 year ago

How do I tick?

1 year ago

Wow. Could also say: Vegan Aunt

1 year ago


1 year ago


I grew up with the slogan “Fleisch is a piece of vitality”.

We were already a primary school student in the slaughterhouse and later on at the gymnasium in the organic class they gave organs of pigs.

Animal welfare is at least natural for me because I eat pasture bark. I can buy well-drawn pig at any time from one of our farmers in the area.

The selection is significantly easier for land eggs. Who wants cheap, buys Lidl.

1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  Angulimala1610

An answer to a closed = Yes / No question where the rhetorical part is not even ignored.

1 year ago

I’ll find you next. I eat meat like other viechers naturally also eat other viechers, but such a text is cynical.

1 year ago

This would like to calm down the bad conscience of consumers.

But this animal welfare action is not more than that.

The only means to alleviate animal suffering is to eat only 600g/week of it (corresponding to WHO’s recommendation) and that this meat comes from strict biolabels: natural land, bioland or demeter.

I buy my meat from a biometre who slaughters the animals on the farm of the producer. This is considerably more expensive, but tastes much better and as I eat less meat, I can afford the high price too!

1 year ago
Reply to  Angulimala1610

Meat tastes good!

There is not only black or white!

1 year ago
Reply to  iQhaenschenkl

I’ve been doing this for over 20 years. Although the farm did not have a biolabel, it simply dared “back to the roots”.
It is one of the farms that use a gigantic community pasture where, besides cattle, also sheep, goats, ponies and all kinds of wild animals live.

The taste beats every supermarket meat by lengths, especially since it is also traditionally suspended (neudeutsch Dry Age).

1 year ago

No, it’s not creepy.

It makes a real difference whether the animals spend their lives in mass keeping under adverse circumstances, or whether they are kept at least art-friendly and can also enjoy fresh air, daylight, movement.

1 year ago

No, I can’t.

1 year ago

I will still eat meat

1 year ago

I can calm you down. Nobody wants to eat you. That’s what you thought.

But did you ever think why you were at school and what to learn?

So you get smarter?

Well missed. There’s a perfider plan behind it. You had to go to school, then education and study, but not to make it good for you; no, you will later work out the RENTE for all older people.

That’s why all children have to go to school, work later and pay taxes so that others can sit around lazy and cash money.

The one with the pigs/meat serves only the distraction so that you don’t get behind it and only keep paying nice taxes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Angulimala1610

And selling live animals for themselves is not really an alternative.

Animal welfare refers to the living conditions in the stable or the meadow, life before slaughter.

1 year ago

You think you can’t kill animals to eat them. This is a purely ethical perspective and this is personal. It is completely legitimate to see that differently. Whether I find it ethically acceptable to eat animals has no effect on you.
The effects of excessive meat consumption on the environment are another thing, and you did not ask.

1 year ago

“You can also just leave the animals alone and feed on a plant.”

Do you want to drive the old animals, like the holy cows in India, to the streets where they eat garbage and often miserable?

Or don’t you want to use animals, and then don’t you think that the farm animals are almost wiped out so that they are no longer tolerated?

Do vegans think it’s great that many species have been erased and that climate change is no longer suffering?

1 year ago

This is your personal view that I respect, but do not share.

1 year ago

Yeah, that sounds a bit contradictory.