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It depends on the implementation. Everyone has to decide for himself what is good and reasonable for him and what he feels comfortable with. It will be exaggerated for me when you take your own diet to scale for everyone.
I believe that such strict boundaries are not intended. There are many possibilities from omnivorous to vegan diet.
I have been living vegan for several years and this is not just about the diet.
It’s really easy.
“Veganism is a philosophy and way of life that – as far as possible and Practically feasible – all forms of Exploitation and Atrocities Animals for food, clothing or other uses to avoid looking and also promotes the development of animal-free alternatives to the advantage of animals, humans and the environment….”
Can everyone do, at least try…
And if a sausage was warmed up in the vegan stew, a vegan can still eat the stew. Then it doesn’t matter if 3 fat eyes were still in it.
But a animal-free alternative to the horse (riding and carriage) have not yet developed vegans.
No animal-free meat.
Not to mention the pollination performance of insects.
Animal-free… for animal hatred or fear?
I find it very good and even though I am not vegan (because my mother thinks this is supposed to be unhealthy) but I also want to live vegans on earth, because the animals hurt me and I am afraid of food poisoning and therefore like fish and meat I do not dare to eat. In general, however, I find it very good to be vegan.
I’ve been feeding myself exclusively vegan for almost three years
Veganism is often removed from being extreme. But the opposite is the case:
Have already reduced . And buy almost only posture 3-4 .
I understand
But does not fit in my life
It’s not a question of exaggerated. I don’t think it’s healthy, i.e. balanced.
And there is no rational reason for veganism.
Kills animals during plant cultivation = vegan and good
Kill animals for the extraction of animal products = killer and evil meat eater.
Veganism is not only exaggerated but irrational and blinded.
Neither. Everyone as happy with it.
Vegetarian still good, but vegan…
And unhealthy
Vegan is too extreme.