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It’s not that far away – I’ve known Würzburg for a long time and also quite intensively, was there again only last week. In itself the city is beautiful and is cheap, is pleasantly clear for a city and offers many possibilities. The surrounding area is also beautiful in landscape – you can also feel comfortable in Würzburg and surroundings on the Baden-Württemberg side (that would be the Taubertal).
However, as in any city, there are also corners that cannot be regarded as beautiful objectively, such as parts of the cell noise, which were considered social focal points at the end of the 90s and slipped into the “Social City” program – as well as the Heuchelhof H1, but which must be considered beneficial, that he had played a kind of pioneering role in the then very modern housing construction and is historically important.
Definitely, yes, it’s our government capital of Lower Franconia. Käppele, Kiliansdom, downtown, already class, and the European star was the first roundabout in the region or throughout Bavaria.
Hi, VirusBanane24.
Würzburg is a beautiful city with old town and the world cultural heritage of the residence. It is one of the most famous castles in Europe.
If you have visited the cultural part, you may still have time for a shopping trip in the city centre.
To finish a beautiful wine near the Würzburg, a more beautiful can’t be a finish.
Greetings, Renate.
A nice wine? Why would I have been in Dettelbach and even accommodation on a winery? Just didn’t fit the socks into my vineyard.
I was on vacation a few years ago in Dettelbach and we also visited Würzburg. Not that I know the city, but I liked what I saw.
Like the Franke says, “Take care.”
Very nice town yes
I’ve always been passing