Findet ihr die deutsche oder englische Version besser?
Findet ihr die deutsche oder englische Version besser? Unabhängig davon, ob ihr die Lieder mögt oder nicht. Es geht nur um den Vergleich! Kennt ihr mehr Beispiele, bei denen das gemacht wurde?
Oft gibt es bei ursprünglich deutschen Liedern später eine englische Version. Ich kann mir die irgendwie nicht anhören. Die deutschen Versionen gefallen mir viel besser. Bei Nena ist es okay, weil es Deutsch und Englisch gemischt ist.
I usually find the German version of songs or German texts better because they are more direct than English songs, often more emotional.
An English version is often released to better distribute and market non-English music abroad. About t.A.T.u., who sang first in Russian. Or with German artists such as Tokyo Hotel or Lafee etc.
In some cases a larger audience can be reached. On the other hand, I usually find the original better and more real than a different version. As in general with cover versions, this is probably ultimately a matter of taste, with the language a song already quite changed and I usually find it better and more catchy in German.
Conversely, there are also German versions of English songs:
The Police – King of Pain
King of suffering
Interesting, this German version of “King Of Pain”. This is so different that I might not have recognized it as a cover of police 🤔
By the way, I know a lot about t.a.t.u. and their sound and music have always promised me a lot. Also the Russian versions I find very good, although I understand as well as no word and certainly will not continue to do this ðŸ ̃
I think it’s important
There is sometimes a German version that I find better and sometimes an English, French or Italian. This always depends on the fact that the texts in German are closer to me or the voice may be in English, etc. better or the arrangement of a version was more round and more beautiful – here for example at Dalida I like the German version (“The charm of the little words”) better than the French original (“Les p’tit mots”). The text has been translated accordingly, but in German it seems even more beautiful, I find. Regarding Dalida, you can also say that I liked the song “Kalimba de Luna” from her in French better than in English – she recorded both.
I like the German and English versions of Bruce Low (“The Legend of Babylon”) and Boney M. (“Rivers Of Babylon”). Bruce Low has a beautiful voice and tells in a pleasant way a very wise and thoughtful text, Boney M. comes over a little more peppy.
At the world-hit “Con te partiro” (Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman) I find again the German version of Karel Gott, called “Zeit zu go’n” more successful. I like Karel Gott’s voice better and the text is also very beautiful. As with Dalida, the text appears tangible to me in German, although it has been translated quite appropriate to the original.
But that’s all just examples, there’s probably a lot more of it – that’s what I’ve just noticed. I still know productions by the German producer Jack White, who had different people singing the same song, partly with identical text, and in some cases he varied in languages depending on whether a German sang or just was an ami or English at the micro. One example would be “My Little Latin Lover” by Tony Christie, who later gave it to Olaf Berger (“Where all dreams end”) – I liked the English version better because I think the arrangement was more appealing. Often they are small things.
With your good example of Kim Wilde and Nena, I have to say that both are at eye level. I always liked the German original from Nena – and from the 2000s Nena reminded me only by the duet with Kim Wilde (approx. 2003 – “Anyplace, Anytime, Anywhere”). The song I found quite right, but much more I did not hear from Nena from the 2000s. At least among us, Nena was not exactly what the young people heard. Today you find it cool & can hear it well, it’s as little as with jeans shirts: At that time, the clothes that our 35-45-year-old Mams wore when a blouse appeared “needing” and they didn’t wear a classic “caffle” *moderate* was enough, but it was too “warm” for a short-sleeved blouse over a long-sleeved shirt (my cool mam hold^^) – and today you like to wear it yourself;-). But it’s just that way!
Tokyo Hotel was me, although this was my generation (in the year 1990… while Tokyo Hotel was already very controversial at the time^^) always doesn’t matter, Alex C. (was the same time, I found the number just doof.. that was so the era of the Jamba history) and the good Peter Schilling, of which I found only a little well-known English-language recording (“The Different Story Of Lust And Crime” from 1989) really good – but if you’re at the NDW theme, I still think something: At Hubert Kah I found “Engel 07” just as good as “Angel 07” – both songs have their special flair and convince me.
“As Time Goes By” was, however, better in the much later produced German cover by Klaus Lage (“The Love Stays”) from 1989 than the original – because I like arrangement and voice from Klaus Lage and thus get more clear than with an ancient film song that comes from the 30s from feeling. Even a version of Manfred Krug and Charles Brauer I like better than the original.
The English version of Major Tom does not work for me at all … NDW cannot be English.
In the song of Nena, on the other hand, I find the English version with Kim Wilde mega, which might be about Kim Wilde. 😜
I don’t care about Tokyo Hotel, I don’t care if it’s in English or German.
Here’s another interesting story:
And German:
Funny or?
Yes, I agree with Major Tom and Nena. I like the mix of German and English very well
In most cases I find the original language better and better. Although I generally prefer to listen to English music.
Major Tom’s got a big deal. I don’t like the English version at all.
It depends on which song it is.
For example, “completely detached” by Major Tom, I find in the German version simply better and just as it behaves with the song of Tokyo Hotel “Through the Monsum”.
In Nena, however, it is different because I like both versions.
With me, it’s just the same 😁🤝🏻
there are a variety of German stuff that I get cuddly coughs! Originally German and then anglected songs I honestly don’t know many. There would be 99 Red Baloons, and I don’t think that’s bad now, but not really good.
What it did to me is Seven Bridges from Chris the Burgh, which I find just as good as Karat’s.
Lg, Anna
As a rule, I find the original always better – with few exceptions, for example, 99 red balloons by Gold Finger
Probably because I first knew the German versions and only afterwards met the English version.
I always find English versions of German songs interesting.
It might be a remnant from the 80s. During this time I was young and you would like to hear English songs. There were also mainly those concerning the modern area of pop. Of course there was also the Neue Deutsche Welle, or also the Austro-Pop with us in Östererreich. In addition, Nena or Peter Schilling sang German as an example. Of course, it also came to what kind of German was sang. If it was too vicious, then “thured” it was difficult to admit among young people that you liked it. I often said to myself, but often too 🙂
Okay, but I always find it interesting how “international” German-speaking songs can work if they are agglical. So maybe even if you wouldn’t know that there are also Germans.
At Peter Schilling ́s Major Tom I find the English version quite good. It’s kind of a good thing for me.
At Tokyo Hotel I like the English almost better.
I like the English with Kim Wilde clearly better. I think the two are singing this in good combination and the sound is more likely to tell me.
I also have examples (without saying which I find better because I don’t know):
From Falco’s “The Commissar” the British band “After The Fire” made an English Komissar version: (here both)
I also find this cover version very suitable and good.
From the Austrian 70s hit “Da Hofa”, probably less well known in Germany, a certain Stuart Matthews made a unique version that I find quite different, but really good from the sound.
Here is the version of Wolfgang Ambros. Also very Wienerisch sung. It’s about finding a corpse, and “the farmer from House No. 20” was suspected until they got the corpse of the farmer himself.
“Jones No. 3” by Stuart Matthews (so I find very British. I find somehow a pretty good counterpart to the Viennese:
One more example, but here is the other version Italian.
Also by Wolfgang Ambros, but “Schifahr ” you know what I know very well in Germany.
There is also a cover here. Just like the other song, the cover is quite well known. An Italian named Daniele Cimitan actually made a cover from it in 1984, and this bears the title “Mare”. Here he has taken the appropriate tourist magnet of his country on the topic.
Mostly, it’s the original version I like better, no matter what language. Probably that fits better, probably more work was put in than in the translation.
I know a single case where I like the German version of an original English song better, although I don’t hear any German music. This is Mendocino by Michael Holm, the show here is 50 years old:
I like different directions
Swing, Jazz, Rock and some classic pieces
most I love the blues and there is the expression in the voice important – therefore my preference for music in English – for many of these songs you find on the Internet the lyrics – so no problem
Heyyho Mermaid 👋
So the songs are all not sooo my thing ^^^
But good, that’s not what you were about
I find English better in songs IMMER!
No matter whether German or French (and I love French! For me French is the most beautiful language there is!) or another language, I find English lyrics in music ever better and more beautiful!
English is the language of music!
In my opinion
I like songs in another language just less well.
And I don’t like songs in German
If I listen to songs in other languages, especially if it’s just German, it’s just a “wrong” thing for me.
But is only my personal music taste liquefi️
But I would just rather hear English because I just like it better than other languages.
Greetings Arina 😊
Through the monsun, for example, I find better in German than in English, but the most beautiful ash I find better in English
The song through the monsun gives me so gloomy memories, of which I had as a small child a mini mp3 player by Mcdonalds hahah
Yes, “By the Monsun” must be in German 💯 The song reminds me so much of my childhood. Haha, you were there two?
With “You have the most beautiful ass in the world” both versions are okay. In the English version, the video was partially censored.
I didn’t know the song directly hahah, was so with 7 ca
Haha, I thought 👶🏽
From the examples I listen to Tokyo Hotel, both versions like to hear from their songs. But by The Monsun, most of the English, because I’m more foeering where Bill’s voice was already in the voice break (there is also a version of By The Monsun in German where Bill’s voice is a little deeper, but somehow it sounds not good)
But on their second album, I like more songs in German than in English, but then again the English on the next album zb Automatic >
I usually prefer the original. Whether the original is implemented in German or English or a completely different language as Korean. I have an example of Pietro Lombardis Senorita.
The problem is always whether you can get the translation to the original or not.
Here is an example where this is not fuinctioned (there is only the melody. The versions differ in content:
French original: Michel Delpech – Pour un flirt
German cover: Randolph Rose – Just a flirt
The English version is also good at Völlig Loslösung, but the German original is legendary. The English version of 99 balloons and somewhere at some point aren’t so great and the rest don’t interest me
in which the original version was
I don’t know if that’s always the case with me and actually I’ve already asked myself, Why? That’s it.
But I celebrate this song:
And here I get ear cancer! 🙉
(Original is English here, however.)
Help, Roberto Blanco haha 🙈🤭
English is more suitable as a singing language, because it is full of sound-friendly vocals and not so many multiple comers. Like “sick”… “Ill” sings more beautifully. Or “Traurigkeit”… “sadness” has more melody in the word.
I’d rather watch US movies and series in the original.
So, generally I like English-speaking songs much better than German. This has always been the case, and there are very few exceptions.
One of them is Major Tom. From the first time, I liked that so well that I didn’t care that it was in German. The song was just the sound, and then for a long time my favorite song. The English version that came out about a year later, I only heard many years later, and well, I don’t think it’s bad, but it doesn’t get to the original.
Nena with her typical, bored sounding song was never my case. Although I didn’t even find some of her songs bad (e.g., somewhere, sometime or lighthouse), I would rather have wanted another interpreter for it. The Nena voices and I just won’t be friends in this life anymore. Therefore, a clear plus for the duet with Kim Wilde. I like their voice, and my anyway available preference for English-speaking songs gives a clear winner here.
In the other two examples, I honestly don’t care what language they are. I can’t judge that objectively because I don’t listen to one or the other. However, as I said, the motto is: in doubt for the English variant.
I can agree with you. I’ve never been a real Nena fan, but the version with Kim Wilde is really well done!
I don’t really like cover songs.
The version in original language of books, films and music is usually better, as statements in translations are often changed or completely mis/incomely transferred differently.
I usually like the original. Sometimes I don’t get to hear a cover or a different version. For example, on “day trip” by lift. At Nena I find the German better. I better not talk about the other songs.
In most cases, the original is better, no matter what language it came to the world.
Very few exceptions, confirm the rule…;)
Because it’s usually the original. I don’t respect the text. I care about the melody.
It always depends on that song.
For example, “The Monsum” sounds much better in German, as I find personally.
I like the original songs as well as always.
I’m connecting childhood/youth.
I hate Nena anyway.
Sounds in English and everything cooler
At Tokyo Hotel in any case the German. Mag Bill’s voice prefers German.
Sounds better for me.
Alex C still goes. Omg, do you know his songs from earlier? They ran up and down on Viva when I was a kid. Now with age limit on YouTube 🤭
oh man, they were Time 🤣
Yeah, I know.
He’s not as old as you are again
Hahahaha, perhaps also from the penultimate century 🤭
May be, I think he is from the last century
I think he’s a little older than year 2000
I think you’re year 2000, but I’m not sure 🤭
Were you born before 2000, in 2000 or after?
Haha, you’re everywhere 🤣👍🏻 Yes, I heard something about my parents 🙈
I also only hear it with headphones 🤫 You are so oh oh oh, you are so… etc. 🤣
I’ve heard earlier, today it’s too embarrassing 🙈
Uff, so embarrassing haha. The guy must have been really bad if I think about it in the after. His songs were almost always in that direction 🤭 But I still hear it now and again 😅
See above
That’s it.