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Yes, really innovative 👍🏻
The cheese running from the roof looks too much for mucus from the shape. He should be more like when he’s on a burger. But somehow the square that’s just going down a bit. Otherwise the lower picture looks perfect, even the colors are great
(Take the 2nd with better roof cheese then it fits)
I don’t think so.
Neither does the burgers look good, nor does it somehow solve a desire for food in me.
This is how a good burger shop should look.
No, it looks more like someone had been cooking on the roof of the house!
No and AI generated images I don’t find good
I don’t see a banner. I’m just seeing a good picture.
No looks out and ki generated.
No. Looks doof
This is a bad AI image and everyone will recognize it.
No, why is the cheese on the house?
you don’t get the ding in Germany
There’s no banner to see?
I don’t care about an advertising banner. The reviews are important to me.
There is no advertising banner and… cheese has to be found on a “Hamburger” nix!
This is a picture, but not a banner. Such an image can be integrated into an advertising banner.