Findet ihr das vom Vater meiner Freundin in Ordnung?
Er ist Mexikaner, kann Deutsch, verbietet mir aber bei denen Deutsch zu sprechen weil er will, dass ich Spanisch lerne also er schlägt mich nicht oderso, aber er antwortet zumindest nicht auf Deutsch.
Dann kommt er zu mir, sagt was und will, dass ich es wiederhole.
No, it’s not okay, no matter whether he’s a Mexican or not. We’re here in Germany. No one can ask you to learn his mother tongue. In view of the fact that you don’t speak Spanish, but he’s probably German, it’s also rudely rude to communicate with you only in Spanish. He doesn’t have to ask you to recite any of his sentences unless you ask him.
All right, if he had the Proposal would have made learning a little Spanish and trying to follow the conversations in Spanish in his house as well as to ask and answer Spanish yourself as far as you can.
How old are you, you and your girlfriend? Children? I don’t understand why she doesn’t touch her father.
P.S. How do you think he could beat you? To think of something like that at all! He’d be punishable.
He doesn’t beat me, but he looks so bad.
I am 22 and she 18
You are (at least on paper) an adult man. How can it be that an evil look insecure you?
But no matter, I would avoid contact with this gentleman. He doesn’t behave correctly with his demand that you speak Spanish. You haven’t learned this language, basta! Even if you start and learn intensively, you will be able to conduct everyday conversations in Spanish at the earliest in a year. But then why would you do that? Your friend speaks German, too. And who knows if you’re still with your girlfriend in a year…
Meet you with your girlfriend and you outside.
Excuse me, 19*, I’ve tipped
It is a sign of respect and appreciation to learn and take advantage of the friend’s facts. You can also show that it is serious with your girlfriend and no F+ matter.
When do you want to start talking Spanish when the grandchildren visit the grandparents?
We have the bilingual situation several times in the circle of friends and acquaintances, the partners all speak the language of the other and the children are /wurden bilingually educated. There are already grandchildren, who are also raised in two languages.
It’s not okay. Especially not in this way. If he likes his culture and language so much that he wants to force her to the friend of his daughter, he could have stayed in Mexico. Then his daughter would have a Mexican friend. Here he’s in Germany. So he must realize that his daughter has a German friend. MI’m interested in your girlfriend also talking Spanish? For her, maybe you could learn a little to show her how important she is to you. I still think that’s appropriate. But you don’t have to do anything for the father.
Have you ever been to Mexico or do you know other Mexicans? The mentality is completely different. He only understands his point of view. He thinks he must be your language teacher and tell you how to learn.
That’s why I’d tell him you’re ready to learn the language, but just in your way and not with his print. And he should be aware that he lives here voluntarily and must also understand this culture.
Surely he will block, I have met some such people during my time in Mexico, they are stubborn and do not let themselves talk. But you have at least expressed your position and if he can’t handle it, that’s his problem.
In your place, I would still try to learn Spanish. Show him you’re trying. It’s always an enrichment, no matter what language.
Not really. I can understand that he would like to see that you can spanish. I also understand that he connects this a little to the culture.
Spanish is by the way a very common language, and it is sometimes not wrong when speaking Spanish.
However, pressure is rather moderate. A buddy of mine, by the way, canceled pressure. has been exactly how many overtimes, how much rest holiday etc. and is then marching to the boss into the office.
When the boss said, “we’ll see you tomorrow,” my buddy told him, “I don’t think I’m working here anymore. The written termination is already in the post”
He doesn’t need to impose his language.
I would use the chance to polish my Spanish skills.
Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, so see you only win if you learn some basics. He’ll be very happy. I think if you show him that you only learn a few words and phrases, he will feel respected. And then you say the rest in German or half Spanish half German. Mexicans are hard and soft on the outside, I think.
Not okay. Would distance me from him and hide clear limits
He looks evil when I make a little resistance
Probably he learned that he can enforce his will.
I wouldn’t let you go. Talk to your friend
I find it generally good if your father-in-law cares that you learn the culture of his daughter also about her language. but with violence, he won’t make it. rather the opposite.
What does your love say to the whole thing? that she loves her dad too, that is understandable. but she should be strong for you too.
You should have a clear conversation with each other!
No, not at all. It is located in Germany, who wants to learn a foreign language (this is Spanish in D!) should do this voluntarily and not be forced to do so. He’s supposed to pack his machogehab.
As a son-in-law, it’s probably his basic prerogative.
There he has nothing to report
He’s not a son-in-law, just the friend.
We are 19 and 18
Until now, a lot of water will surely flow down the Rhine. Marcus seems to be very young, maybe a teenager.
I would have been glad to have learned a foreign language in this easy way!
P.S. Amazing how different the so-called “Community-Experts” reply.
Of course not.
Why are you doing this to you?