Findet ihr das viel als Mittagessen?
Hey Leute,
Findet ihr die Portion auf dem Foto eine kleine, große oder normale Portion für eine 17 Jährige. Auf wie viel Kcal würdet ihr schätzen? (Insgesamt sind 2 mini mozarellakügelchen, 2 minitomaten und 3 kleine erdnüsse in den nudeln) Ich habe weder fett noch öl dazugetan
That’s not a portion….that’s an alibi for a magentious and highly dangerous if you always do…you’re looking for confirmation and that shows that your perception isn’t okay.
You’ll certainly be suffering from malice if you call it on the photo “meeting”. I hope you’re in therapy. You can’t do it alone.
It’s a little bit of a bit, it’s not.
This is not a full-fledged meal.
That’s just the can.
If there’s something to do with it, you might be worth it as a third supplement or something.
yo! As a supplement salad for lunch!
It’s an appetizer. And the body needs good fats/oil so the metabolism works properly.
If that’s just one of many smaller portions you eat over the day, that’s okay. If that’s all, it’s too little!
This is a snack for intermediate but not a full meal. For me too little.
It’s almost nothing.
Much too little calibre
I think you should go to therapy.
It’s ridiculous, it’s just a mouth full.
If you were living in Somalia or Ethiopia, I would regret you now.
In another question, you write that you suffer from an eating disorder. This question actually confirms that.
This is certainly not a full lunch.
Too little. Please find professional help – you have a distorted self-image from you.
That’s very little!
I’d eat that portion while I’m waiting for my real lunch to be done!
eating, calorie, eating disorder & co pulls like a red thread through all your asking.
What makes this close?
That’s a fucking little portion….
don’t worry