Findet ihr das Verhalten meines Partners okay?
Mein Partner hat ein Kind 6 Jahre. Ich persönlich habe noch keine Kinder.
Er ist mit seiner Ex “okay”. Es geht eigentlich nur um die hol und bringzeiten, mehr nicht.
Jedoch ist mir aufgefallen, dass mein Partner das Kind nur 1x die Woche für 5h nimmt. Manchmal auch 2 3 Wochen nicht.
Auch nimmt er das Kind nur, wenn seine Eltern, also die Großeltern Zeit haben. Sind seine Eltern auf reise, nimmt er das Kind nicht.
Hab oft das Gefühl, er kommt das Kind garnicht für sich sondern für seine Eltern.
Dann wiederum erzählt er mir oft, wie stolz er auf das Kind ist und kauft ihr Sachen. Bei diesen Sachen achtet er jedoch sehr pingelig auf die Preise. Er kauft ihr billig Spielsachen für 1-4 Euro. Mehr will er nicht ausgeben. Es ist nicht so, dass er kein Geld hat! Wir gehen 1x die Woche gut essen und teure Geschenke macht er mir auch.
Seiner Ex ist das natürlich auch aufgefallen und sie verlangte mehr Einsatz von ihm. Aber er meinte zu ihr, dass es seine Sache ist.
Ich würde gerne mit ihm darüber sprechen, da ich es etwas schräg finde.
Ich will ihn aber auch nicht verletzten
Was meint ihr ?
From what perspective?
If your friend’s behavior is alien to you, say it. This is the only way to create irritations from the world.
Good luck!
Say it.
You’re thinking your part and holding your mouth.
If that’s not moral for you, I guess you’re not made for each other.
I can definitely understand you, but it’s his thing. You will not change his attitude to his child.
For example:
My parents separated, my father took us every month and went to eat ice cream with us, suddenly he had a new girlfriend and this had motivated him to pick us up again and again, a few months went so, the relationship of the two was over and our father did not care for us again.
So I’d definitely say it.
The child should be first. For me, it makes the impression that he doesn’t want the child.
Got a daughter too, she’s now 3.
The producer does not care about them at all. Don’t ask her how she goes and don’t want to see her. My current partner looks after her as if it were his own daughter, although he wouldn’t have to. He loves her very much. Every time we go shopping, she gets a little bit. If we go to the next larger town, he still wants to go to the games store so he can choose something for her. He brings her a book every week.
I’m really lucky with him. And I actually think JEDER should take care of his child, just if it’s his own. Unfortunately, this is quite rare. Everyone can go in there, but if that’s gonna be serious, there’s no bump on it.
And if you want to have a child, I’d think about 3x if you want a child with that. If that’s what’s going on, it’ll be like you have a kid from him.
what is this about you? that is his thing as he deals with his family. you are outside 3.
You better stay out, it’s not your business.
He has duties to fulfill as a father, it’s not just his thing.
He can’t take responsibility at any rate.
If the conversation recurs, your position will become unrealistic and as emotionless as possible. Do not expect miracles and if he does not move, accept it.
Now you know why he was divorced….