Findet ihr das nicht auch merkwürdig, dass in letzter Zeit so viele Menschen anfangen zu Rauchen?
Soweit ich mich errinern kann, war das nie so übertrieben gewesen, aber heutzutage raucht wirklich jeder zweite den man sehen kann. Was kann man dagegen machen? Ich sehe, dass auch vermehrt im Freundeskreis, der eine steckt den anderen an. Echt traurig, soetwas…
That was it. Today you are popular if you don’t smoke. Today, collections with smokers are more, the last generation that can only stand on one of the other non-visible areas.
I didn’t notice that I saw more people smoking on the street than a few months ago.
You can’t stop smoking.
What you can do about it, now not smoke yourself.
Give them their lung cancer. And don’t convert, it doesn’t matter.
Keep distance to you. Smoke yourself and want to stop. But remember passive smoking is harmful to the environment and therefore sometimes ask the people beside me if it is okey when I do smoking.
With this government everyone has to calm down here the cigarette is a good choice. Smoking calms, we do well, so recognize it more and more.
At the Vapen I observed this even more clearly, that has become so extreme.