Findet ihr das auch unsinnig ( Supermarkt )?
Orangensaft , verschiedene Sorten sind im Angebot.
1l Packung kostet statt 2€, 1,11€.
Ich kaufe zwei 6er Kartons.
Versehentlich war 1 Karton mit den 1,5l Packungen dabei.
Die 1,5l Packungen waren aber nicht im Angebot und haben 2,50€ gekostet.
Ich habe das erst dann an der Kasse gesehen und bemerkt weil so viel abgerechnet wurde. Nämlich mit Pfand 16,50€.
Habe das dann unterschrieben das es storniert wurde und mir das Geld gegeben wurde , also die Differenz ich habe dann noch einen 6er 1L Karton geholt.
Cardboard with deposit? What did you buy? Beverage cartons are bare.
No, I don’t think that’s insane, because there are two completely different products, even if the content of the same may be for you. If product A is in the advertisement, then stop product A is in the advertisement and not product B. If a box is Coca-Cola in the advertisement, you cannot ask that the cans are also cheaper.
This is the meaning of a promotional offer. For at the regular price are the 1.5s cheaper (1L = 1.67).
oh yes I also noticed that is not a pawn on it when I wanted to give it
Isn’t it great if it’s on offer, I bought some of it.
Supermarket offers are lock ads so that you can go to the market and buy as many other things as possible on occasion, as you are already here and definitely need more things. The logic behind it is your Total Purchasing – not the logically calculated liter price of a juice.
And yet profit is made at such prices?
Often, such offers do not generate a profit, hardly or only for the producer.
Here is a very exciting documentary on the topic and the hard price negotiations with the trading giants:
Total of course yes! Otherwise, the controllers would not decide that again.
If anyone only buys the offer?
I was shopping and because it was so cheap to take the O juice.
Yes, absolutely.
The prices are made by the supermarket, and if the 1-liter pack is cheaper in relation than the 1,5-liter pack, then this is the case.
Often enough, the 825-gram glass Nutella was now in the special offer, in the corridors large pallets with 1 kilogram glasses were placed. It would be interesting to know how many people have been dazzled by the supposed special offer.
Nutella I don’t buy in life anyway.
It’s just an example that I always like it. Even with other articles, I have often had the impression that they are so placed that you can have the impression that they are in the special offer, while a similar product was at the same time in the special offer.