Findet ihr das auch besorgniserregend (am Bahnhof)?


Ich sehe oft Schüler, die gerade aus dem Zug aussteigen und danach neben dem Zug dicht hinterher rennen, um evtl. einen Freund der im Zug sitzt hinterher zu blödeln.

Ich habe heute einem Jungen geraten das nie wieder zu tun, weil es gefährlich ist.

Er sagte, dass er das in Zukunft unterlässt.

Ich sehe das bei den Schulkindern sehr häufig.

Wenn die beim Zug irgendwie hängenbleiben, dann kann das tödlich sein.

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11 months ago

I think it’s very easy.

At this age you are still thoughtless. To a large extent, they have not experienced anything bad about themselves and the idea that something could happen to them does not come up.

It always happens to other people something, just not one.

I find it very careful of you to have the students pointed out. If they don’t care for themselves, then someone else has to do it for them.

11 months ago
Reply to  Christina168

Thanks for the star

11 months ago


11 months ago

In railway stations, the trains generally go slower and at speed something rarely happens. And where else in the door could you hang?

With many trains you have to run along the train (if not run).

What can happen is that you get between the train and the platform edge. This can be seen occasionally when 5. cooler (but not only adults are so brain-cracked!) try to push in.

11 months ago

No Risk, No Fun.

Accidents always happen everywhere. I don’t know the scenario you described. Rather, people die at the train surf. The rest is general life risk.

11 months ago

Not just kids.

I wanted to get out of the train at the Cologne Hbf and a very energetic lady wanted to get in and in fact pushes into the entrance with physical violence, where, of course, I wanted to get out of my mind.

Then she fell backwards in front of anger between the train and the platform edge. Weia! Some people… I hope she learned it. Good that the train was standing, but it certainly did hurt. Several people then helped her up again, and then she was still in the hustle.

You don’t have to understand.

11 months ago

This is called selection

11 months ago
Reply to  Fladenbrot77


But somewhere it is right:)

11 months ago

I often see at the S and subway stations. Even children who walk between the doors, which is really dangerous at the underground doors. They can’t even press.

kami1a, UserMod Light
11 months ago

Unfortunately, children are spontaneous

Good day