Findet ihr das arrogant?
Wenn wir in der Schule eine Arbeit schreiben und ich bekomme eine gute Note, teile ich das meinen Freunden mit.
Ich dachte eigentlich, sie freuen mich dann für mich, denn ich freue mich darüber, wenn sie eine gute Note schreiben. Stattdessen sind sie immer sofort genervt oder verdrehen die Augen oder so.
Ist das denn sooo arrogant, einfach nur zu erzählen, welche Note man hat?
Vielen Dank für eure Antworten! 😁🐍
I don’t think it’s bad. So I share my grades with some friends, especially those in my class. With my class lambs we also exchange work and look at us and laugh about our 6s And our stupid mistakes. If we write one (which happens more often than 6) then of course we also share it.
Best regards,
If you do this in a compartment where you don’t really cut off so great, but it’s got this one time really great, it’s okay.
However, if you always do this with all possible subjects, that is to say even those where it was not a special success, but you are usually good and then you are also informed of those who usually do not cut off so great there, it is sometimes arrogant and/or annoyed only and they come forward with the time, brand “I’m better than you“, even if it’s not meant that.
However, if only those who are as good as yourself or better and those who are not as good, this is even worse, because that then naturally comes over with a bit of self-love.
Therefore, I would just post it if it really was a very special thing or I was addressed. Otherwise you can break a lot.
What can you break?
Seriously?? Real friendship!!!
Who do you think you are really friends with:
I hope the second.
No no, otherwise they are loyal and nice
I’d say so.
To be honest, that doesn’t sound like friends for me.
No, I mean they want to praise and that they are happy for them while they are always only jealous.
You’re always annoyed when I write a good note.
The problem is: You always ask for a job and then you’re annoyed when I tell my note. Of course, I’m trying to get smart, but I’m just coming to the conclusion that they’re jealous.
True, but you really need to learn and ask about it, just because you can’t ride in their heads.
This means that you obviously do not catch up and learn from it, but instead make the same mistake again and again. And that’s annoying.
How can I know what my friends think? I can’t read thoughts.
What really is going on in her minds, I know afterward, and then it’s too late.
This time you seem wrong, because as a human being you have to make mistakes to learn something about it.
I think you should hold something back in the future and instead listen or look better. Because obviously you’re depressing so many things again and again, and that doesn’t seem to be good:
So you can break a lot with time, even unintentionally.
Yes, the second of course. I’ve never destroyed a friendship before, but rather joined the other. Of course I’m not self-loved, I mean it just good 😁😇
You tell them about your notes so they can be happy for you? Then it shouldn’t be a problem to give up if they don’t…
If you still keep doing it, it seems to you to go more than their joy – for recognition, praise, admiration. And that’s annoying. V.a. if you haven’t cut yourself so well and maybe just disappointed, sad or angry…
By the way: Not every good note is a madness performance. Usain Bolt jogs perfectly relaxed faster than my one could ever sprint, Elton John is probably more musical than I can sing and many top models simply lack the genes for orange skin. Just like you have talents and strengths that your fellow students may not have, and shouldn’t rush around…
How about you ask after the others’ notes at the next job instead of posing yours out? If one of them isn’t so good with his result, it’s just more compassionate to keep their own enthusiasm a little back…
I also ask for their notes and for themselves they always want praise, but if I tell them my note, they are usually totally annoyed. I don’t “poor” anything, but tell everything that only my friends hear me.
There are good students who just get arrogant. Often from social inability. Too bad you don’t even consider the possibility of making mistakes yourself.
I wish your friends and you that you can somehow compensate for the “emergency dilemma” – good friendships are far too valuable to put them at stake for that.
I’ve never been compassionate
I know I’m making mistakes because nobody’s perfect and everyone makes mistakes. But in this case, I’m sure I did everything right.
Wait… do you call me unsocial?
IMHO is also available in Germany with very many adults that they don’t like anything to others, no matter how much work there is or whether you explain it or not and whether you offer people suitable help, how they can improve realistically or not.
On the other hand, I can understand that an explicit frequent defakto “I am better than you” can get on the nerves.
You have to do that. Finding friends a reasonable middle way.
if it happens frequently and very stressed, especially if they don’t feel so good at themselves, this could be interpreted as enacting to feel better or superior…that can cause others the impression that one takes himself too important or does not take any consideration of the feelings of others….it’s less about having a good note, but how often and in which tons you could have shared it…
Yes, according to type and their grade/performance in general, this can already come over as an indication.
Some people react enviously. Arrogant is not the galaxy, because it is the truth to have a good note.
Apparently they don’t seem to be happy in the reaction
Apparently. The question is just why.
it may be the sound, to make music.
Actually, it’s completely o.k. You’re curious what the others have.