Findet ihr Bier werbung verwerflich?
z.B Jever und co.
z.B Jever und co.
Einfach um den Tag zu überstehen weil man so gestresst ist momentan.
Macht ihr das auch? Ich find das is soo genial und man wird viel schneller drunk.
Servus Denkt ihr die Lehrer bemerken es wenn ich 1 Liter Bier in einer Trinkflasche dabei habe? Danke für eure Antworten.
Wie lange ist ein geöffneter, ungekühlter Rotwein haltbar? Bzw ab wann schmeckt er nicht mehr? (13,5%, 750ml, falls das wichtig sein sollte)
Auch dann wenn ich nimmer gehen kann und meinen körper nimmer in kontrolle hab, trozdem kann ich mich an alles erinnern… auch wenn ich so viel trinke das ich umkippe ICH WEISS NOCH ALLES hab das gefühl mekn gehirn kann sich die dinge sogar besser einprägen dann xD mein gehirn is sonst echt ehhhhh löchrig…?
Is advertising for candy or a sofa also “morally divisive”? Overweight and lack of movement kill twice as many people as traffic accidents and drug use together…
The fact that a product, no matter what it is, is glorified in an advertisement is completely normal!
I simply speak enough intelligence to our society, to look at it differently and not to be influenced by such content.
Ps. whether someone is beer/alcohol as an occasional luxury and enjoyment or as a consumer goods or When looking at drugs, everyone remains left.
I find advertising for a lot, not just beer extremely bad. Why don’t we get advertising for a free apartment nearby or about the healthy regional farmer in the area? So beer advertising can also be switched off. Everyone knows what that is.
No alcohol should be applied at all.
Culture. It has always been a sign that an audiovisual masterpiece follows.
If you forbid it, you have to ban other weavings…
So would you also be a supporter of cannabis advertising?
No. Why?
Pure from interest
Irrelevant. Who doesn’t like beer will not start with it.
Well, there are different ways to get in touch with alcohol. Try – whether it tastes you can’t talk about advertising or telling others. That’s what your testimony is. You have to try before you know. Who then tastes it, doesn’t taste it. Who cares about it should know how to enjoy/consume alcohol.
the really discarding beer advertising does not exist here
Let’s see how long your post stays…
Still there!
I think I’m too old for that?
I can’t find anything wrong with advertising…
That’s better!
Well, advertising is to influence people to sell things. Because beer isn’t necessarily healthy, the ones could see it miserable.