Findet ihr auch, dass Zöliakie eine blöde Krankheit ist?

Wenn man es als Kind nicht anders kennt, ist es ja nicht so tragisch. Aber ich habe es als Erwachsene erst bekommen. Das heißt, ich dürfte eigentlich alles vorher essen, was anderes essen dürfen. War auch in Gaststätten und in Bäckereien und jetzt darf ich fast nichts davon. Auch bei Gaststätten muss man aufpassen, da bleibe ich ehrlich gesagt lieber daheim. Nirgendwo darf man was essen, überall muss man aufpassen

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4 months ago

How about Asian restaurants?

But one can also make a virtue from a disease.

It may not really be the same, especially since I had imposed my problem myself and could change it at any time.

At 15 J, I saw one of the first climate change reports and thought about whether one could not reduce the Co2 footprint.

  • no holiday since 44 years
  • no car – never made a driving licence
  • created during heat, cold and sometimes in the rain in the own garden to grow fruits and vegetables.
  • I don’t go to the restaurant (I cook much better)
  • last time I was in the cinema
  • ….

I can’t eat whatever I want.

  • Region
  • seasonal
  • low meat
  • as much as possible

I’ve gotten used to it so much that it would be a horror for me today to pack the bags to travel.

I live climate positively today.

… and I like it

You can get used to everything.

4 months ago

Yeah, it’s terrible and difficult. But every disease is difficult. You have to learn to deal with it and reorder your life. You don’t have another choice….

4 months ago
Reply to  MissusMe

There are worse 🫠

4 months ago
Reply to  Arabella940

That’s true, even if every disease is bad for itself

4 months ago

It is, but there are also many other diseases that are unsightly.
You can’t hear anything at some point. You can’t enjoy music anymore. Or talk. Films, etc
Or imagine you grow up normal and blind.

Of course, it is easier to be born with such diseases because you do not know all that. And what you don’t know can’t be missed at all.

4 months ago

Gluten can be used by the body as well as not. To this end, it quickly burdens digestion and is simply useless and inferior even for unhealed.

It is a chance that nature forces you to maintain a healthier diet.

Many excellent foods and meals do not contain gluten. There are plenty of substitute products and recipes on the net. You save a lot of money you spend in the restaurant and bakeries.

4 months ago

Yeah, I can imagine.

but I think this applies to any “acquired” disease.

The younger you are, the easier you get used to it. Think so from school age it becomes difficult, because the memory in the “other life” is already back

4 months ago

Every disease – no matter what – is “bad”.

4 months ago


I have the disease for many years, at the beginning it was bad for me, now there are many gluten-free products from own brands to brands 🧀🧇🥨

At the beginning of the Zöliakie Association I helped well, but it was worth it.

Now I’m coming alone

4 months ago

I don’t think so bad now, but rather good. It’s bad you got in your head. I feed myself voluntarily without this whole empty carbohydrate pamp, that can be done by more people;-)

So, now you have best chances to trim your diet on really valuable! And if you care well for your intestine (we have a hammer yogurt and two drinks), who knows, it may be better! Happy for you!

4 months ago

Sure, for me, every disease is stupid. LG