Do you also think that May is not a typical spring month, but rather summer?
In May, nature is already quite advanced and everything is already green. Moreover, it's often already around 25-26 degrees Celsius, which is more summer weather than spring weather. In May, you can already have barbecues, sit outside in the evenings, and we've already gone swimming in the lake a few times in May. This year, we had our first heatwave in May, and we sweated a lot. Spring is more about the first mild days, but you still go out in your coat and the green is only just beginning to appear. The typical things of spring – blooming forsythia, daffodils, and narcissus – aren't even there in May. Do you also think that May isn't the classic spring month, but more of a summer month?
In May it can certainly be really warm. There are also the glacials, and perhaps summer weather is not as hot as in July.
In total, May clearly counts for spring, and meteorologically the summer begins with June, astronomerically even mid-summer. Of course, May is much more summery than March and Easter. Especially in terms of daylightness, May already has something of early summer. However, spring dominates, which will be completed in May and is not yet finished.
Similarly, in the year it looks opposite to November. There are some aspects of winter from the darkness, the weather and thematic, even though it is still late autumn.
No, I don’t think that… for me, May is the epitome of spring…
For me the best month in year 🍀
No. Summer is (for me) from June