Findet ihr alle Impfungen, die das RKI empfielt sinnvoll und wichtig?

Wenn nicht, welche und warum?

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2 years ago

Nah, I’m vaccinated against mumps, measles, tetanus and diphtheria. And then it was just a “Junge girl ding” to inoculate against HPV. Nowadays this is also possible for young men who can be inoculated.

2 years ago

Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Before that it is super unpleasant but usually not foolish or so

2 years ago

Influenza vaccination, the RKI recommends only risk groups.

2 years ago
Reply to  jort93

Comment has landed under the wrong answer.

2 years ago

You ask for recommended vaccinations and link a list of all vaccinations, including those that are not recommended at all. I don’t know what you’re trying to do…

But to answer your question – yes, I find the vaccinations recommended by Stiko useful and important.

2 years ago
Reply to  DoctorInge

Then the question doesn’t make any sense. Why do you ask for all available vaccinations if most people aren’t at all in question, and they probably don’t have any opinion about it? Anyway, you’ll have thought of something.

2 years ago

Yes, find all sensible who recommend them.

By the way, the list you linked are not the vaccinations that the RKI recommends if you want to implicate it. These are only information about all approved vaccinations, from A-Z.

Which they recommend they say elsewhere.

The recommendations are available here

2 years ago

Do you find all vaccinations that the RKI perceived meaningfully and importantly?

Whether a medical measure is sensible is not a question of “decision” but is based on scientific facts.

To compile and evaluate this is a task that can only be done by professionals. And such professionals form the STIKO.

So yes, the recommendations are all reasonable. Until other facts arise. Then the STIKO will adapt its recommendations.


2 years ago

No, because the rki exaggerates

2 years ago

1/3 of them maybe. I’ve never seen a sense of letting me go influenza. I think Tetanus is indispensable.

2 years ago
Reply to  ranger1111

Influenza vaccination, the RKI recommends only risk groups.