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1 year ago

Who should it be banned for? For all women? And why?

The life and choices of other women are none of my concern, I am neither entitled to judge, nor can I prescribe anyone else how to deal with the IGEN body/leib fruit.

My moral compass has no “general validity”. I’ll keep it for myself.

I am also against abortion and I “forbid” myself. Easy.

But I must admit, fortunately, I have never been in such an emergency situation, where I had to “reduce” my convictions.

Like all “abortion opponents”, of which I distance myself completely.

1 year ago

Abortion bans endanger women’s lives.

In general, restrictive laws do not lead to lower abortion rates, but rather to abortions being carried out improperly by non-researchers, that women do not dare to commit themselves to medical treatment in case of complications, and that often takes a lot of time until they have found a possibility of abortion. This applies in particular to unmediated women.

Even today, restrictive laws, traditions and stigmatization are still driving women and girls worldwide to improper abortions.

In 2017, employees from “Doctors Without Borders” treated more than 22,000 women and girls with complicities after a termination of pregnancy. About seven million patients are delivered to hospitals every year due to complications.

Unfortunately, 22,800 women and girls die every year as a result of an improper demolition.

“In some hospitals where we work, up to 30 percent of the complications in childbirth are likely to have their cause in improper abortions,” says theService website.

Happy for you!

1 year ago
Reply to  isebise50

Best answer, especially the first paragraph.

You just have to look back a few years, as some women have tried in the past to do an abortion – at home, under unhygienic conditions. In the worst case, the woman also dies.

1 year ago

No, a baby that is not wanted and a mother spends MUSSTE that certainly has no great life. Does it help what we bring people to the world who are only tormented or neglected because they are unintentional? By the way, babies released for adoption are not necessarily lucky if there is no one who wants to. And they’ll be handed around in homes.

In addition, there may also be health hazards for the mother to carry out a baby. And should an abortion be prohibited, then the mother would just die to protect an unborn child? That doesn’t necessarily make any sense to protect the unborn life and risk another person’s life.

It is just as correct as it is in German law. Up to a certain point, it is legal from the point but then it is no longer.

1 year ago
Reply to  Yomo81

By the way, babies released for adoption are not necessarily lucky if there is no one who wants to. And they’ll be handed around in homes.

You’re wrong. In Germany there are many more couples who want a child than children who can be adopted. Alone in my county there is approx. 10 couples who like to adopt a child, but there are no adoptable children.

So a child who is released for adoption also finds new parents.

1 year ago
Reply to  Saturnknight

Alone in my county there is approx. 10 couples who like to adopt a child, but there are no adoptable children.

Then these couples should apply for a permanent staff, as nursing parents become Hand rings sought, and the hurdles are significantly lower (legal parents do not necessarily have to agree, for example, in contrast to the adoption) or they should be open even for older or not very healthy children, because they often find no place.

So a child who is released for adoption also finds new parents.

That’s way too flat! This is true for healthy babies, but not for disabled or sick babies, although for those who are even looking for a supra-regional. For toddlers whose mothers have found only after a few years that they are overwhelmed or even older children who have lost their parents, for example, and have no relatives.

There are hardly any extra-adoptions in children over 3 years.

1 year ago
Reply to  Saturnknight

Are you sure about that?

1 year ago
Reply to  Saturnknight

The hurdles for an adoption are extremely high.

The demands of parents who want to adopt in return

1 year ago

So I didn’t see anyone here trying to ban abortion so there were more children for an adoption. I don’t know anyone who thinks so. Especially since it is unrealistic. If we were to ban abortions, there would be no more children. The only thing that would increase would be the number of illegal abortions.

Believe me, there is no matter how unrealistic this is. It is often people who cannot get children themselves. In some cases, even in forums, unintentionally pregnant ones are begging to carry out the child, but they would take it. (I’ve happened to myself several times at that time)

You sound like people are selfish because they want to adopt, but don’t want a nursing child. This is wrong – they simply know that they are not suitable for a nursing child.

Of course, there is a difference, but I just can’t imagine the ALL who are supposed to apply for adoptions are not suitable for taking up a nursing child.

Once a (selt) comparison: someone wants to be a marathon runner. At the sports club in its place, however, there is only the possibility to learn 100 meters of hurdle. In both sports one runs – nevertheless there are great differences. So should this person try to get rid of hurdle runners, or rather try to become a marathon runner?

Depends on how VERY he wants to become athletes. If he really wants it and wants it from heart, and marathon runner is simply not possible, then he will also make a hurdle race.

1 year ago

I’m quite aware of it, and I think it’s funny that many want a child on the one hand (sometimes so much that they prefer to forbid abortions, so that more children are available for adoption)

So I didn’t see anyone here trying to ban abortion so there were more children for an adoption. I don’t know anyone who thinks so. Especially since it is unrealistic. If we were to ban abortions, there would be no more children. The only thing that would increase would be the number of illegal abortions. I’m sure most of the women who let a child run off don’t like it.

on the other hand they are not willing to help children who really need help and a loving family.

What’s funny? I thought you knew there was a difference between a nursing child and an adoptive child?

You sound like people are selfish because they want to adopt, but don’t want a nursing child. This is wrong – they simply know that they are not suitable for a nursing child.

I’ve told you before. Didn’t you read everything? A nursing child brings other challenges than an adoptive child. Not everyone feels suitable to receive a nursing child. A nursing child can already be a teenager who has experienced a lot and was in various nursing families. As I said, there are other challenges. It’s not about the willingness, it’s about whether you are able to trust yourself at all.

Once a (selt) comparison: someone wants to be a marathon runner. At the sports club in its place, however, there is only the possibility to learn 100 meters of hurdle. In both sports one runs – nevertheless there are great differences. So should this person try to get rid of hurdle runners, or rather try to become a marathon runner?

How much bigger would the burden have been if the child had no care family you get had it?

I never said foster families were wrong. They are good and important. But people have to be ready for it. It doesn’t matter if a couple takes up a nursing child, although they really want an adoptive child.

1 year ago

However, a nursing child and an adoptive child are still a difference, even in permanent care.

I think it’s funny that many want a child on the one hand (some so much that they prefer to forbid abortions, so that more children are available for adoption) but on the other hand they are not willing to help children who really need help and a loving family.

But she didn’t like it, for the child it was a big burden.

How much bigger would the burden have been if the child had no care family you get had it?

1 year ago

What do you mean “too old”?

In the case of an adoption, there is no official age limit in Germany, which the respective youth office decides. But most people take about 40 as an upper limit.

If someone applies 36 for an adoption and then has to wait 4-5 years, then this person will also be older. And at some point, keep too old for an adoption.

Then these couples should apply for a permanent staff, as nursing parents become Hand rings sought, and the hurdles are significantly lower (legal parents do not necessarily have to agree, for example, in contrast to the adoption) or they should be open even for older or not very healthy children, because they often find no place.

However, a nursing child and an adoptive child are still a difference, even in permanent care. In the case of a nursing child, one does not have the exclusive right of custody; it can be that it remains with the paternal parents, or with the youth office. A nursing child also retains the name of his family.

If the family of origin does not have German citizenship, but has another, then it also has the nursing child. This can be a problem if you want to leave abroad with the nursing child.

And it is quite possible that the paternal parents may continue to be treated with the child.

I know a nursing child who was with a family for permanent care. The nurses wanted to adopt them, and the child wanted it too (she was already in puberty). Only the paternal mother stood across. For the nursing child, the nursing mother was her mother while she only called the paternal mother when it came to a visit. But she didn’t like it, for the child it was a big burden.

That’s way too flat! This is true for healthy babies, but not for disabled or sick babies, although for those who are even looking for a supra-regional. For toddlers whose mothers have found only after a few years that they are overwhelmed or even older children who have lost their parents, for example, and have no relatives.

funny, when my wife and I were applying for an adopted child a few years ago, we were asked if we were willing to accept a child with disabilities. We have confirmed that we would include both a child with physical disability and a child with Trisomie 21 (so Down Syndrome). Nevertheless, in the period of several years the Youth Office could not give us a child (and before you ask: yes, we passed the review, we were allowed for adoption).

There are hardly any extra-adoptions in children over 3 years.

Yes, in Germany, generally only infants are adopted, older children come in nursing families.

1 year ago

But there are also couples who never get a child because they e.g. B. At some point too old

What do you mean “too old”?

1 year ago

Adoptivelters can barely claim that have no choice.

That’s the jumping point for many couples

1 year ago

The hurdles for an adoption are extremely high.

That’s right, for the good of the child. But the couples I spoke of have already been reviewed and rated as suitable. Checking if you are suitable comes right at the beginning, and then the years of waiting for a child comes.

The demands of parents who want to adopt in return

Oh, how do you get that to the knowledge? Adoptivelters can barely claim that have no choice. You can’t choose anything like age, gender or the like. The only thing that can be determined before is whether you would be willing to include a child with a disability or not. And here too, there are enough candidates who would dare.

If you are lucky, after a long (mostly multi-year) waiting time you get the notification that a child has been released that you can adopt. Then you can only say yes or no, no more. But there are also couples who never get a child because they e.g. sometime too old or just abandoned it.

1 year ago

So much quark in an answer…

Of course they don’t exist. Because women who brought a baby to the world usually build a natural bond to their child. Therefore, there are so few babies released for adoption.

There are enough women who do not build a bond to the child who see it as a foreign body, especially if the child was not planned.

The reason why so few children are released: the social support for mothers has become better than just a few decades ago. Some mothers used to have no choice but to give their child, especially when they were young and alone. Nowadays, these mothers receive more support and they can keep their child.

And you want to ban abortions now…

Where did I say I wanted to ban abortions? I’m against a ban.

Maybe you should inform yourself first before you spread more wrong things.

1 year ago

Of course they don’t exist. Because women who brought a baby to the world usually build a natural bond to their child. Therefore, there are so few babies released for adoption.

And you want to ban abortions so parents want to finally get the adopts too. The fact that women have to go through a birth and possibly also die of it (was quite common in the past and it is still possible today) is absolutely no matter what the unborn may live.

1 year ago

Are you sure about that?

Yeah, I’m sure. There are couples waiting for a child for several years, but don’t get one because none is released. These couples could also adopt a child from another county, which would be possible without difficulty. But in the other counties it is the same: there are many applicants, but no children that can be adopted.

I have been dealing with this issue for 7 years and have already spoken with several youth offices in Germany.

1 year ago

You cannot forbid abortions. At most, safe abortions under medical and hygienic conditions can be prohibited.

Women who do not want to be pregnant then go abroad, go to a backyard cursor or do it themselves (which is very dangerous in turn).

When the star published his famous “we have driven off” title story in 1971, 374 women have admitted publicly to have driven away even though it was completely illegal in Germany. And yet they had found a way.

Apart from that:

If we look into the USA – they are a comparison, because there are states with strict and less strict rules on abortion.

There are studies, for example, that in states with strict abortion laws infant mortality is highest. (

“States with the largest number of abortion restrictions tended to have high infant mortality rates of 7.0 or above; abortion-friendly states had much lower rates.(CDC)”

For example, the USA also has the highest maternal mortality rate of all industrial nations.

“Indeed, the reported rate of maternal deaths in Texas soared from 72 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2010 to 148 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2012”

(For comparison: in Germany we are on 100,000 live births with 7 deceased women)

Apparently, neither good for infants nor for bearers is done when abortions are treated strongly restrictively.

1 year ago

If it’s forbidden, what will you do better?

The only thing it brings is that women do it illegally and even vlt independently and try to carry out an abortion on themselves probably even die.

Is that really worth it?

1 year ago

Whoever calls for this also calls for raped young women and girls to bear the child of their punifier.

It’s not more inhuman.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rassler38

That’s exactly what I see!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Rassler38

then tell me how many women who give away because of a rape, if you know the percentage, then we’ll keep talking ok

1 year ago
Reply to  benedetto280

It is clearly less than for other reasons, nothing the despite a raped woman is taking the chance to dispel the child.

1 year ago

as well as I understand the discussions about abortion, it is not to completely abolish them, but also to limit them that not everyone simply wants to abort…as I understand the rule of law could still dispel raped women, only give under 1% that they want to abort for these reasons.

1 year ago

but I would be a woman

will I have been living

have long feelings of guilt and feel me worse

1 year ago

No, because everyone should be allowed to decide. I’m against abortion, but I can understand if people decide because they don’t want to bring disabled people to the world (no matter if they want this because they don’t want a disabled child or because they don’t want a person to suffer or both).

1 year ago
Reply to  InfinityIs

just 11% of abortions are for medical reasons such as the mother or the child. the argument therefore finds little to want to include a whole topic from 1/10 part. Love

1 year ago

unborn life should be protected. a baby can be expelled up to 22 weeks in DE. Everyone should look at whether a baby already looks like a “cell lump” in week 20 or like a little baby. according to statistics, only 0.03% of all expelling people indicate that they are expelled due to rape because this is always used as a deadbeat argument. I also believe that people with impediments such as downsyndrom are an incredible enrichment for all of us and you should not drive them off/kill/kill them. Love

1 year ago
Reply to  benedetto280

By the 14th week.

1 year ago
Reply to  kugel

have just looked and German law says: The pregnant woman also remains impunity if the abortion is carried out by a doctor or a doctor after a consultation by a recognised pregnancy conflict counselling agency and has not passed more than 22 weeks since the conception.

1 year ago
Reply to  kugel

in Germany until week 22 as far as I am informed

1 year ago
Reply to  benedetto280

But main thing about writing a phone to be exploited for the children in the Congo, what about them? They have no right to live.

And your clothes, probably colonized with the blood of Uighur children.

It doesn’t matter because you can’t fight women and you’re far away anyway, but we’re out of here.

1 year ago
Reply to  MrsThalia

I am also in favour of abortion, but this is just whataboutism and wahtaboutism is only right in this topic wrong in place.

1 year ago
Reply to  MrsThalia

first it is argumentatively quite wrong to want to overshadow a themas with the evil of another theman after the motto ah because you buy all cheap clothes you cannot talk about abortion. That makes GAR no sense. You don’t know me privately and don’t know how I live, which end devices I use and which clothes I don’t buy. I have a fair traded xiaomi handy that I have been using for 4 years and wearing retoured clothes I wear until she breaks

1 year ago
Reply to  benedetto280

What if it’s forbidden? Then what? Then young women who don’t want a child and can’t drive away their own life by doing it illegally. Is an unborn it really worth dying women to self-expulsion attempts?

1 year ago
Reply to  princesskenny

I believe some people would then have more conscious sexual intercourse and no longer consider a pregnancy as a “infall” that happens once and that you have to fix quickly. maybe you can see my point

1 year ago
Reply to  benedetto280

a baby can be expelled up to 22 weeks in DE.

That’s wrong. Criminal abortions are only possible in Germany until the 14th week of pregnancy.

The 22-week period from §218a para.4 refers exclusively to the criminality of the SCHWANGEREN, but not to all other parties – such as the doctor. He’d be punishable if he’s carrying out the demolition without there being a medical indication.

1 year ago

Yes, 103000 abortions are a lot, no question. However, I must bear in mind that almost 60% of women who have driven away have already born at least one child. And well half (51%) were over 30 years old in 2022.

So there are women who actually know how to prevent and who already know what pregnancy and birth means.

Here in the forum, it is like it is only the very young women who fuck around and then leave, with 2022 only 2.6% of women affected under 18.

Women who have been protecting for years also drive away, but then the pill fails once. Or the condom tears.

What I would like to say is that I believe that the rate of real contraception is much higher than you might think.

I got the numbers from here Pregnancies/Tables/01-pregnant-age-quote-10tsd-je-altersgruppe_zvab2012.html

1 year ago

I could also rule myself, made a reasonable comparison from my point of view, and in the 3 answer he obviously no longer knows his own lies.

1 year ago

I have no patience, but I can talk about it.

1 year ago

Then I admire your patience that you have to talk to people the obvious nonsense.

1 year ago

I’m not the person who has heated all the time 🤷

1 year ago

So I could have a reasonable discussion with him/her. It’s more like you can’t.

1 year ago

I would like to end this whole conversation. If I’m a christo fascist for you, I can live with it. beautiful evening

1 year ago

With some people you don’t need to have a reasonable discussion, someone talks about abortion of murder is just one of these cases.

My brother has long believed in such a QAnon garbage, with such people crawling so violently, there is no need for discussion anymore, nothing leads anyway.

1 year ago

Oh, and if people already point out the same attitude to a subject like you should be thoughtful.

1 year ago

That’s it. First of all, your comment is read and it’s a big surprise whether you agree with me or not.

I find the comparisons that I have drawn, perhaps not others.

1 year ago

This is how a reasonable and adult discussion works. If you can’t, you shouldn’t let it happen. Be kind to others, then they are to you. Only in this way can a reasonable discussion arise.

1 year ago

you just didn’t exactly explain why my view is idiotic. you have blocked everything like a defensive infant and then insulted or whataboutism so that now even people who are your thought are seeing your comments at the thema and think what is going on

1 year ago

I’m sorry that I didn’t waste my time to tell any (from my point of view) idiots exactly why their views are idiotic.

If that fulfills you and you see your vocation in it, go ahead.

1 year ago

You can have your view, nobody says anything. They should also be represented decently and not as defensive as a small child.

1 year ago

Doesn’t have to share my view, no one has to.

1 year ago

to which argument exactly do you recognize my fascist mind? please copy and paste, thank you

1 year ago

Thank you and yes that he or she is

1 year ago

I am a22 year old man and can agree to, ps cooler name princess kenny is ne southpark legendary

1 year ago

Find all your behavior here still childish.

1 year ago

If you look at the other answers of the user, you can see that he is one.

1 year ago

Well, what do I have to offend you? Especially since I am an adult woman, if you can say that as a 22-year-old, and insulting would simply be childish.

1 year ago

I personally believe in Jesus but whether I am a fascist is another question

1 year ago

Not everyone who is against abortion is a Christian fascist.

1 year ago

beautiful, you could at least speak decently, the others here insult me only lol

1 year ago

No, of course, I don’t think it’s nice that there are so high numbers.

1 year ago

But because you obviously talk to a Christian fascist.

The accusations a la murder are so insanely ridiculous, so you can make such comparisons.

And the whole thing has nothing to do with WhatBoutism, it’s just a double moral I’m showing.

1 year ago

Sorry, but this is really stupid now. You should already have decent arguments and not defensive straw man arguments.

And pulling Satan in there is also stupid, there is no religious discussion here.

1 year ago

yes then you can set it up for the few accidents if the conditions give it, but more than 103,000 abortions in the year are already ne wucht, don’t you think? what is your opinion on the number of Germany alone, is this all so much for you, do you sign that?

1 year ago

I understand your point, but it would be as you say: there will still be “incidences” as no prevention is 100% safe.

1 year ago

The best argument for this is people like you are against it. The opposite of what Jesus Bros like you want is usually the best, Hail Satan:)